Windows 98 Look

I don't claim to be an expert at creating themes, but being very old and nostalgic I decided to create a theme to kind of look a bit like the default explorer colours in Windows 98. Maybe someone else may also find it fun to use.

If anyone finds anything wrong or has a suggestion, please let me know.

Windows 98.dlt (560.8 KB)


Nice! I love the iconic sky backdrop behind the folder tree. Nice subtle touch there!

Thank you for your kind words NazmusLabs, I have not updated this for a while, I will test it with DO 13 and see if anything needs updating.

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Thanks! Speaking of work in progress and looks based on a specific Windows release, I am currently working on a Windows 7 file explorer-inspired look/theme.

Still a work in progress, and would not have been possible without the tremendous amounts of help from my Creator Allah. :blush:

At the moment my biggest obstacle with this theme is dark theme compatibility.

I'm not sure if people are interested in it. If so, I'll share it once I get dark theme working, Instha'Allah (God Willing).


I just noticed you are using icons from Windows 98! Love that

Wow, yours looks great too. It's very clean and the color scheme is so fresh. You're really creative. Can you share it when it's done?
Thank you very much.

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