Windows extended desktop - Opus startup place

I am a video editor and my 2 monitors (27 and 24 inches) are using Windows Extended desktop.
When I start Directory Opus it starts full screen on monitor 1 (where my editing is done) and I have to move it to monitor 2 which is reserved for Directory Opus showing the input video media as huge thumbnails.
Is there a way to make it start automatically on monitor 2 and in full screen mode, please?

Turn on Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / Always in the same position and click OK, then move the main window to where you want it and use Settings -> Set as Default Lister.

You may also want to turn off Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / Update Default Lister automatically when closing a Lister is off, in case you temporarily move the window around but want it to revert back to where you specified the next time it is opened.