WSH JScript language reference


During the plugin development, I constantly encounter problems that particular methods or features of the JavaScript language are not supported.
Is there an online searchable language reference for JScript language used by DOpus similar to what DOpus has for its API Scripting Reference (

Any chance to get a modern scripting language integrated in DO, one day?

The issue is it would break all existing scripts, or mean having to maintain two scripting implementations. And for little benefit, given the types of things scripts need to do are handled OK by JScript/VBScript.

You'd also lose all the Windows Scripting objects, which can be useful for the things Opus scripts tend to be involved with, while newer scripting languages have little to no focus on Windows, as they're geared to the web or other OS. (Other than PowerShell, which seems more for controlling things from outside them, rather than handling events and adding commands inside a program. I'm not aware of any example where PowerShell scripts are run to handle events within a program, although maybe there are examples?)

People who care deeply about which scripting language is used also tend to want their chosen language, and would be unhappy with any other, meaning few people would actually be made happier by changing the scripting language we support.

IMO, Opus scripts are (or should be) simple enough that the language should not really matter.

No doubt, Leo, however I fear that Microsoft will drop support for JScript anytime (soon) which will mean in consequence that DO will loose one of its scripting engines, too.
And I fear the same for VBScript, too, btw.

Fortunately, there are no signs for JScript getting dropped, but Microsoft is well known to be very quick in making the wrong decisions in the past.