Zip Error 28 when extracting an archive

I would like to report the following issue that occurs when I attempt to extract a specific zip file. I know it is related to the name of the folder that is containing any files, but I’m not entirely sure what rule or pattern is causing the conflict. I would like to request two things. First, if it’s possible to address this issue, as both 7-Zip and the default Windows extractor can handle the extraction without any problem. Only Directory Opus has this issue. And second, if these types of errors can be detected, specifically in a script, so that if my script deletes the compressed files after extraction, it does not delete them in the case of these errors.


I'll leave the file i'm testing on: (564 Bytes)

It’s likely that what is mentioned here, is indeed what’s happening. However, I insist that this doesn’t seem to affect either 7-Zip or the Windows extractor. Therefore, I would really appreciate it if you could take another look at this.

How was the zip file made?

I uploaded the folder to google drive and then downloaded it, drive zipped it.


This problem has been fixed for the next beta.

Until then, a workaround is to use the Archives plugin to handle Zip instead of the internal Zip code:

  • Turn off Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files / Enable internal Opus Zip support.
  • Turn on Zip under Preferences / Zip & Other Archives / Archive and VFS Plugins.

Once the next beta is out, you can reverse those and it'll handle the same archives OK.


Great, thank you a lot. Regarding the second point, is there currently any way to detect if there was an issue with the extraction?

Just the error message at the time of extraction.