Does there exist a plugin that shows a simple list of files in an archive (minimum .ZIP and .7z) in the Viewer Pane when selected? I don't want a full-blown "enter .zip file as if it was a directory", but just a simple preview of the contents with filename, date/time, size as minimum.
I don't think there's a plugin for the viewer pane. You could use info tips instead, e.g.
More info is available via script columns.
Docs: Info Tip
Why not? That’s easier and more powerful, and can already be done in the file display (or dual file display, keeping the parent folder visible at the same time). That also keeps the viewer pane free so you can view files inside the archive.
You could use IE to get a simple view of Zip files in the viewer pane but it doesn’t work well compared to going into them in the file display.
Why not?
Because I already have that - it would be foolish to wish for something that I already have.
What I don't have is a quick'n'dirty list view of the contents of the archive without all the overhead associated with it being a virtual file system.
Right now, all the viewer pane displays is a .ZIP file icon, which is useless (ie. it doesn't give me any information I don't already have available in the file list view)
Take a look here:
Works well for me. Space bar toggles looking at a file. Many viewers available.
The overhead is no different, if we're talking about CPU/disk resources etc.. The zip has to be opened and its contents listed, whichever way you do it.
Lxp's suggesting of using info-tips gives you a quick way to see what's inside a zip without opening it as a folder, but that too will require opening the zip to list its content.