Zoom like in Everything

How to make a zoom in/zoom out just like in Everything? I want make my DOpus switch view mode from Details to List or Thumbnail depended on my current level of zoom

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You can zoom a given display mode using Ctrl with - or = (similar to Chrome).

To cycle through different display modes, you can make a hotkey or button which runs Set VIEW=Cycle. Or, if you want to only include certain modes or change the order of the modes, you can list them out after the "Cycle". (The command editor's suggestions pop-ups help you list them.)

A button that both zooms and, once zoomed some arbitrary amount, switches display modes as well could probably be done using scripting, but personally I have never understood that behavior in File Explorer. How things are displayed and laid out, including whether you see columns or thumbnails etc., is completely separate from how large things are.