Option to never steal focus on cold start

Since cold start of DOpus isn't immediate, I often just hit a shortcut to launch it and then switch back to whatever app I'm using (but I've also tested without any shortcus: clicking on the dopus icon in the taskbar and immediately switching to another app)
But then when DOpus launches, it steals focus, which is not what I want (if I need DOpus right away, I'd wait until it launches and not switch in the first place)

Is there a way to launch DOpus in a way where it would not steal focus? Maybe there is some way to launch it "in the background" or something similar?

Try changing the shortcut you use to run it minimized.

Or run Opus at Windows startup, which will open it in the background.

Or you can configure Opus not to open any windows when first started.

Interestingly enough, "minimized" shortcut doesn't always start minimized, and still seems to steal focus for a tiny fraction of a time (e.g., you can see your text cursor disappear and reappear), but definitely better than the default (that's without any of the window managers/etc), will see how it goes

Though my borderless AHK scripts interferes, will see later if I can adjust that not to mess with the minimized status (another reason why a native borderless mode is better UI Borderless: disable TitleBar and ResizeBorders)

Removing opening a Lister on startup helps a bit, but doesn't eliminate the issue

(by the way, don't see any option not to open any windows on first startup, only for system startup Preferences / Launching Opus / Startup / Don't open any Listers (otherwise the options below apply))