Two issues

I tried to find the answers on my own but I'm now frustrated and hope I can get answers here.

Issue 1: when I hover over a folder that's name is too long (to be fully displayed) a box pops up above that folder with the full name of that folder. This is incredibly annoying, for me, and I just want it turned off. I know the solution is likely simple but I went through all the options and I'm now asking here.

Issue #2: I have certain folders that I use often configured on my keyboard to open so that when I click on a key of the keyboard it opens a specific folder but it always opens in a new Lister so that there are now two Listers open. Is there any way to configure it so that there can only be one Lister used? I want the Lister I have open to go to that folder instead of a second Lister being opened.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

For issue 1 i don´t think there is a way to shorten the name, except to completely remove it from the info tip (-> settings -> file types -> all files & folders -> {edit} -> info tip.
Issue 2 can be solved, if you tick -> settings -> preferences -> Opus start -> Explorer replacement -> open external folders in new tab.

Thank you! Issue 2 fixed by ticking one box!!!

I don't know if you understood Issue1 - I don't want "shorten the name" - it's when I hover my mouse over folders that have names which are too long to be completely seen/displayed and as I hover over them a clear pop up box comes up and its only purpose is to display the full name of the folder that I'm hovering over with my mouse. Hope that explains it.

Yes, that was clear. So if you rather want to remove the info tip entirely, you can do this in the mentioned info tip setting.
I would recommend too make a backup first, so you can reset it quickly, if needed.

I followed your instructions but didn't find a way to solve the issue.

When I get to "InfoTip" there's a big empty box so I have no clue what I'm supposed to do there to fix the issue. There is a box at the very bottom that I clicked which says "Never show an InfoTip for this file type" but even with that clicked on it's still doing the same thing and displaying the InfoTip when I'm hovering over long-name folders.

To clarify, When I get to "InfoTip" the big empty box is beneath "Info Tip definition".

The infotip for All Files and Folders is empty by default afaik. If you want to change the infotip for folders go to Settings=>File types=>All Folders=>Info Tip and delete the entry {name}.
If the infotip for All Folders is also empty try Settings=>System File Types=>Folder=>Iinfo Tip

Under Settings=>File types=>All Folders=>Info Tip there were two: {foldersize} and {foldercontents} and deleting both does nothing for my problem.

Settings=>System File Types=>Folder=>Iinfo Tip[/quote] is empty, so nothing I can do there either.

Rather than empty the infotips, turn them off: Preferences / File Displays / Options / Enable file InfoTips....

(Also, please ask one question per post.)

[quote="leo"]Rather than empty the infotips, turn them off: Preferences / File Displays / Options / Enable file InfoTips....

(Also, please ask one question per post.)[/quote]

They are turned off: Preferences / File Displays / Options / Enable file InfoTips....

Before it was turned off, when I hovered over ANY folder InfoTips would pop up and after I did what you posted (Preferences / File Displays / Options / Enable file InfoTips...) it stopped InfoTips EXCEPT for the folders that have long names and can't be fully displayed.

What folders does this happen in?

Every folder that has a name which is too long to be shown. So when I hover over folders with long-names the InfoTip pops up to display the full the name of the folder.

Example: If a folder is named "How do I get rid of this annoying pop up thing called InfoTips" and I can only see ""How do I get rid of this annoying pop up thin" then every time I pass my mouse over that folder a pop up comes up to show the full name of that folder, which in this example is: "How do I get rid of this annoying pop up thing called InfoTips".

It wouldn't be so bad if it only happened once in awhile but I have many long named folders and when I pass my mouse over them they all make these annoying pop ups, one after the other.

Are we talking about the file display, or the folder tree?

The purple arrow (top right) shows where my divider is and any folder with a name that is longer than that divider, when my mouse passes over it, creates the pop ups.

As you can also see "InfoTips" is turned off yet I still get the pop ups for any folder with a long name (that goes past the divider). I hate it! And I see those pops every day--too many times to be polite about the fact that I wish those pops would just die!

NOTE: In the preview (of this post) it's cutting off a section of the image (I'm not seeing all of the image I'm trying to post). If that's the case with you, you can see all the image here:

Okay, we are talking about the folder tree. I think all the answers in this thread so far assumed we were talking about the file display.

The tooltips cannot be turned off in the folder tree, as far as I know. Note that you can click right through them so if you are putting the mouse over a folder in order to click on it, you can still click on it and they should not get in the way (and help see exactly what the folder name is).

That seriously sucks!

Everyone's different and whereas you say "help you see exactly what the folder name is" I think it's a complete stupidity. I can already see what the folder name is, despite a section not seen. I pass my mouse over folders, from top to bottom, and back and forth, and as I move I continuously get all these pop ups until I land and click on the folder I want. For me, this is so incredibly annoying.

Sorry you find it annoying. I think most people find it useful though, and it is standard behaviour for the Windows tree control.

Good for "most people," but I am not even given the option to be unlike most people. I have no choice, in this case, but to have it like most people. With all the options available in Dopus why does this feature have to remain a "standard"?

"Standard behaviour"? Isn't that why Directory Opus was created, to give people other options besides Microsoft's terrible standards?

We're writing the program for thousands of people, with a huge list of ideas and requests fighting for our time, and we cannot add every change or option that everyone suggests.

If some more people ask for it (especially ones with linked accounts) then we'll absolutely consider adding an option.

[quote="G3rt"]Good for "most people," but I am not even given the option to be unlike most people. I have no choice, in this case, but to have it like most people. With all the options available in Dopus why does this feature have to remain a "standard"?

"Standard behaviour"? Isn't that why Directory Opus was created, to give people other options besides Microsoft's terrible standards?[/quote]

Sorry, but no one ever complained about this issue so far, & no one even claimed it generally wouldn´t be considered to be changed, so you
are going a little rough on this topic. Maybe it will even be changed, as it sometimes happened for singular requests (which is great in Opus),
but you can´t seriously expect this to happen immediately.