A couple of things

I spent a while trying to see of this might be in the existing settings, and I came to the conclusion that you need a search over the settings (similar to how Windows 10 works.)

Anyway... I typed a path directly into the field on the top of the directory contents (not sure what that field is called.) I didn't type it as the exact case that it exists on disk, but I did expect it to find the case, and correct it before displaying... It didn't do this, and I know it's petty, but it really should. I typed something like \nas01\media\video... but it's actually \NAS01\Media\Video... and this is how I expected it to show.

Both the Preferences and Customize windows have a filter field at the bottom that lets you do a search of the settings, if that's what you're referring to by "you need a search over the settings".

Some file-systems are case sensitive; most Windows ones are not, but Linux/Unix style ones usually are, and this is probably what you're dealing with on your NAS. If the file-system is case-sensitive then you will need to get the case right (you could, for example have two folders - one called "video" and one called "Video", and they would not be the same folder).

Ah, okay, I never noticed that filter option, but it appears to do precisely what I was hoping for. Thanks for that.

But what I want is for DirOpus to get the exact case of the file on the file system in that field I mentioned. It would need to read the path from the device and get it as it is actually stored. It is NOT doing this...

If the file system were case sensitive (which it is not) they it wouldn't find the file to begin with. What I want is, when it finds the path, to get the path in the case I created it initially, not how I just typed it in.

Here's a pic, from when I typed the path in lower case into the box (where the red box is): snag.gy/DMNLx.jpg

The ACTUAL path, as copied after navigating there: snag.gy/fBsbp.jpg

I want to be able to type it in, in any case, and have it update the display to the correct case as stored by the file system (as shown in the second pic.)

Make sure Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Path completion in path fields is set to automatically, as I type and not restricted to local drives.

Well enabling that preference does help in a couple of ways, but it doesn't get me the result I want. It is a neat feature though, so I am glad you pointed it out to me.

Maybe what I want is not possible :-/

In the two test cases I experienced, the NAS name was not case corrected, and then when I edited inside the path, the inner edits were not corrected either.

I think, the only way to get the behaviour I would like, is if the path is "case corrected" after typing is final.

I'm not sure why that is, since the case is corrected here as I type (in fact, it won't let me type the wrong case). Possibly if the NAS is too slow to come back with the directory listing, but then you would not get completion at all.

Are you typing the paths from scratch, or editing paths that have already been entered? I am talking about typing from scratch.

Case should also be corrected when you push return and the folder is read, unless something unusual is going on with the NAS.

What kind of NAS is it?