I just did the update to DO and after rebooting and relaunching DO...the help about dialog box no longer appears so I can't tell if I have the update correctly installed.
Have you edited your toolbar or something? The command that Help->About runs should be this:
It works fine in, at least on the two machines I've tried it on.
I haven't done anything to DO...I just installed, rebooted like a good little child...and then relaunched DO. When I click the Help About Directory Opus option...no dialog box...BUT...
I do get a mysterious box on my toolbar saying Directory Opus...when I try to click on it...it doesn't maximize...therefore I still can't see anything. So...no...I don't see the info on my machine about which version of DO I now have installed. This behavior wasn't a problem with I was able to install that update and see the dialog box telling me about the update number. This update to doesn't show the dialog box on my Windows XP Service Pack 2 machine.
Sounds like the About window is opening off-screen for some reason.
Right-click the "mysterious box" on your titlebar, select Move, then push one of the arrow keys on the keyboard. Then move the mouse around and you should see the window.
This does fix the problem...however, it only works per session - in other words...I have to keep doing this behavior to see the help about dialog box every time I look at it.
Another thing...when I alt tab to see the dialog box...the title bar is light blue...meaning it's still not in focus.
I think this is a minor problem for now...but it's definitely not normal behavior, Leo.
Stray windows can be a generic windows problem.
One way to get the new arrangement to stick is to minimise stuff that is behaving properly and then to tell Windows to "Cascade Windows" from the taskbar. Then arrange the resulting mess as you see fit.
A "Shift +" shutdown can also persuade some software to remember their display settings.
This is, as I say, generic stuff from past experience. DOpus may do things very differently – it often does. But you might try these options until a real expert can chip in.
As far as I can tell the About window in Opus always opens in the centre of whichever monitor the mouse pointer is on when it opens. It works fine for me on both XP and Vista, one monitor or two, Opus and
If it isn't doing that then maybe you're using a window management program which alters the way windows open. (Some graphics drivers do that but it's uncommon these days. e.g. NVidia NView (I think it's called) if you have it enabled. I doubt it NView would cause this though.)
It could also be that you have Windows set to use more monitors than you have. That can happen if you've plugged a TV in in the past or something. Double-check by going to Control Panel -> Display -> Settings and check that there is only one monitor shows (or however monitors you have).
Leo, I'm not using any windows program to alter the way Windows handles open window dialog boxes. I'm only using Windows XP Home edition which doesn't support multiple monitors.
Bottom line is I've never experienced this problem with the About Help dialog box before this update ( so in my case it was introduced after I installed this update.
According to Microsoft it does - support.microsoft.com/kb/307873
You could also right click on dopus.exe -> properties -> version, and go to product version.
This problem is still unresolved...as I just updated to and the Help About dialog box still doesn't appear properly.
Have you tried going back to 9110 to see if you still get the problem there?
I doubt anything has changed recently in Opus regarding the About window and nobody else seems to be having the problem.
Did you enable TOP priority for your DOpus Listers using the pin button? Perhaps it's related to that?
Explain this. If there is an option I can try...let fly on this and tell me where I can set this. Thanks.
I think Christiaan means this:
[Why are my Opus windows on-top?)
If your listers are on-top then the About window may be opening, but opening behind the on-top lister, so you don't see it.
Using the pins in Lister title bars the priority may be set as follows:
Off (horizontal): The window will behave as normal and come to the top when active unless there are other Opus windows of higher priority. Such windows can never appear on top of windows with middle or top priority, and they depth arrange as normal with other application windows. The menu option is No.
Middle (diagonal): The window will come to the top when Opus is active. Windows of middle priority always appear on top of windows with off priority but will depth arrange with other windows of middle or top priority. When Opus is not active, they will depth arrange as normal with other application windows. The menu option is Opus Only.
Top (vertical): The window will always be top priority. It will appear on the top of windows with off priority, and will also appear on top of windows with middle priority. As an example of where this may be useful, you may wish to keep an Opus Lister displaying thumbnail images on top of an Image editor so you can quickly drag files from the Lister and drop them into the editor. The menu option is Top-Level.
Leo is correct...the problem is the Help About dialog box is somehow not getting focus...even though I bring up the dialog box for viewing. Remember, when I select Help About...I get a dialog box that's immediately minimized to the Start bar...and it won't come up when I alt-tab the open windows. I have to right click the tab to "move" it...but when it appears...the focus of the dialog box is still not trained on the dialog box...but DO.
DorothyFan1, what you discribe is exactly what i get when i set the priority of the Listers to TOP!
So, do you have the PIN buttons enabled? And do you have the priority set to TOP???
When you minimize all the listers, do you see the About-box?
[quote="Christiaan"]DorothyFan1, what you discribe is exactly what i get when i set the priority of the Listers to TOP!
So, do you have the PIN buttons enabled? And do you have the priority set to TOP???
When you minimize all the listers, do you see the About-box?[/quote]
I tried your recommendation and did an experiment. I loaded DO...and then hit the Help About Dopus menu selection. I get the minimized dialog box again. This time...I minimized the main lister to see if I'd get the Help/About DO dialog box. The answer is no. I still couldn't see the dialog box. However, a new issue came up...the minimized lister REFUSED to maximize after I tried alt-tabbing the open windows. Remember, I tried to see the Help About dialog box...now...if I minimize the main lister to the Start bar...it won't maximize. This issue does NOT happen when I use DO normally...in other words...when I DON'T select the Help About dialog choice...I don't see this Lister not maximizing issue from the Start Bar.
Do you try to "alt tab" before messing around with anything?
That is one way to reveal buried windows.