Aspect Ratio Evaluator Column

This aspect ratio column makes no attempt to calculate fraction ratios from decimals.
I really think this is not a need for that. This column determines whether common aspect ratios match the keyword aspect ratio to 2 decimals using a regular expression.

Different image sources often report decimal aspect ratios that differ very small from true fractions. If more decimals are needed, the code can be easily changed.

The aspect ratios that match are displayed as 4:3, 3:4,16:9, 9:16, 3:2, 2:3, 5:4, 4:5 or to 2 decimals. Other aspect ratios can be easily added to the code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<evalcolumn align="0" attrrefresh="no" autorefresh="yes" customgrouping="no" foldertype="all" header="Aspect" keyword="Aspect" maxstars="5" namerefresh="yes" reversesort="no" title="Aspect:Ratio" type="0">x=aspectratio;
ratio = RegEx(x, &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;);

if ( ratio == RegEx(4 as double / 3 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;4:3&quot;;	 
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(3 as double / 4 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;3:4&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(16 as double / 9 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;16:9&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(9 as double / 16 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;9:16&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(3 as double / 2 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;3:2&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(2 as double / 3 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;2:3&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(5 as double / 4 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;5:4&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(4 as double / 5 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2})&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;4:5&quot;;
     ratio = aspectratio_text;

return ratio;</evalcolumn>

2025-02-16 local time.
The regular expressions in this Evaluator Column need a small modification to align with Directory Opus 13.13.3. The Regular Expressions now need to match the entire string.
It is an easy fix. Use this instead.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<evalcolumn align="0" attrrefresh="no" autorefresh="yes" customgrouping="no" foldertype="all" header="Aspect" keyword="Aspect" maxstars="5" namerefresh="yes" reversesort="no" title="Aspect:Ratio" type="0">x=aspectratio;
ratio = RegEx(x, &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;);

if ( ratio == RegEx(4 as double / 3 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;4:3&quot;;	 
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(3 as double / 4 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;3:4&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(16 as double / 9 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;16:9&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(9 as double / 16 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;9:16&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(3 as double / 2 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;3:2&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(2 as double / 3 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;2:3&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(5 as double / 4 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;5:4&quot;;
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(4 as double / 5 as double , &quot;(.*)(\..{2}).*&quot;, &quot;\1\2&quot;) )
	 ratio = &quot;4:5&quot;;
     ratio = aspectratio_text;

return ratio;</evalcolumn>

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This is cool.

But I modified your unusable code (box) to match your picture. (Are you just flexing?)
It seems to be the same now but mine isn't doing anything.

The left column is the old eval with no code. The right is this one.

They are all the same except I made a perfect 16:9 pic and check out the responses (orange underline). Any numbers *except a normal human readable aspect ratio, such as 16:9.

I used an aspect ratio calculator and my custom sizes do result in two decimal places. So two decimal places does seem to be the right way of displaying it (just a note).

I added the factory aspect ratio column and it changed it's mind about the numbers. And the aspect ratio group up and decided to tell us it's a 16:9 (this is another eval column for a different header title).

Why does 'Landscape' always say 'other' ? Is there two kinds of landscape? :woozy_face:
All this trouble cause GPSoft doesn't want to give us an header title alias field in the appearance settings.

You can just copy and paste this.
Clicking the small clipboard icon in the upper right corner of the code box copies the code to your clipboard. Then go to Preferences / File Display Columns / Evaluator Columns and click the paste button. It is the far right menu button. The column will then appear in the list.

Your code box is the code you're personally using with your code editor.
I have to remove the intro, the quotes and add quotations to make it work.

Re-read David's last reply. :slight_smile:

The XML defines the whole column, including but not only the evaluator code.

You paste it the way David described above.

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I'm not sure why that doesn't work for you.
I use Textpad as my code editor, but I don't have Dopus configured to use an external editor.
I wrote this using the default Evaluator Column editor.
I copied to clipboard by right clicking on the preferences column listing and choosing Share To Clipboard.

Pressing the Preferences paste menu button translates the XML to a new Evaluator Column listing for me.

But, if it helps, here it is without the XML

ratio = RegEx(x, "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2");

if ( ratio == RegEx(4 as double / 3 as double , "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2") )
	 ratio = "4:3";	 
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(3 as double / 4 as double , "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2") )
	 ratio = "3:4";
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(16 as double / 9 as double , "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2") )
	 ratio = "16:9";
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(9 as double / 16 as double , "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2") )
	 ratio = "9:16";
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(3 as double / 2 as double , "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2") )
	 ratio = "3:2";
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(2 as double / 3 as double , "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2") )
	 ratio = "2:3";
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(5 as double / 4 as double , "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2") )
	 ratio = "5:4";
elseif ( ratio == RegEx(4 as double / 5 as double , "(.*)(\..{2})", "\1\2") )
	 ratio = "4:5";
     ratio = aspectratio_text;

return ratio;
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Oh damn.
I thought this was a copy paste into the existing evaluator code box method, just like the method for buttons. Because I didn't know there was a dedicated paste button for this. That would explain my other evaluator too.

How would I modify the 'aspect ratio group' data to make it only show "Landscape" or "Portrait" ?
I can try: if "Landscape (other)" then "Landscape". etc. But some of the fields are populating the numbers too, which looks pretty random. ?

I wonder if testing the aspect ratio and a result of more than 1 = "Landscape". Less than 1 = "Portrait" (Unless I have the ratio backwards). ?

You probably just want to see if the width is greater or less than the height don't you?

This "aspect ratio group" seems to be telling the user what format type of form factor the image is. I think the only options for this are landscape, portrait or square. I'm unaware of any others.

I'm assuming by how it populates the field there isn't any metadata embedded that says this, so it's just looking at the aspect ratio to determine this "group". So I'm wanting to see what it is by quickly looking at this column. I want to get rid of the "(other)", and the added numbers. Only those three words would be possible. There might be more advanced reasons for having (other) etc. exist, but is too advanced for my use case. And ya, I changed the header from "aspect ratio group" to "orientation".

So the answer is "yes".
You need a forum column that changes the forum members answers from "bla bla bla" to "yes or no". :sweat_smile:

I made one for you, but I'm reluctant to post it here.
I had to go through customs ( @Leo ) to post this under Buttons/Scripts .

Posting the revision you are looking for does seem to defeat the purpose of @Leo screening it.
So I sent you a private message with what I think you are looking for.

Hey, I wonder if this can have another column that would convert pixels to the real physical sizes too.

That might be useful for printing and things like that.

i use three columns for aspect ratio

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Paper sizes are useful. My docs would be paper sizes. Maybe I should add that custom column to the Document folder format. Maybe it already has it.

But my last pic shows what I'm looking for. A conversion of pixels to inches. I could probably struggle that out myself, but I was wondering if that's a thing.

Cause if it's not Imperial it doesn't exist.

This comment brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood Framing Corp. :slightly_smiling_face: est 6k BC

There are Physical Width and Physical Height columns/values available for most images.
Mine are in cm, but I'm guessing you could create an Evaluator column to convert/format them however you want.

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Ok good. So it was already there.
Odd that mine is displaying inches but yours is cm. I think paper standards are measured in Imperial. Letter is 8.5" X 11" for example. (Come to think of this I should probably being moving my common printing to A4. I think it's more common.)

I'm going to have to make an evaluator column. To convert these physical sizes to a paper name as well. Oh, I know. Have a column with both dimensions and if it matches a paper name display that too.

| 768 x 1,056 | Portrait | 8.5" x 11" Letter |

Think I like the looks of that. Aesthetics!
I'm going to have to remove the bit depth from the dimensions column too. I don't know why that's there.

I used a conversion calculator and the Dopus column conversions are good.
Then I used a measuring tape on my screen and it isn't lining up. I checked and my screen is supposed to be 96 dpi apparently (the pics are too) but it's displaying an 1/8th per inch too big on both axis. I don't know what's up with that. Checked the display settings, but nothing.

It's good to see the physical sizes at first glance, even though this data shows in a print preview.
I got lots of various dimensions to worry about.

That printer stand tho :eyes:

Almost there.

Think I will have this paper name its own column.
And I need to get rid of that x24 on the dimensions. I don't even know what that is. If it were colour bit depth I think mine is 8 bit.

Please don't add pointless images to posts. It's bloating the forum backups with useless data. Thanks.


In the Preferences > 'Shell Properties' I found a 'Dimensions' entry.
That one gets rid of the bit depth number, if you're interested to have that too.

Dimensions Shell