Audio duration mismatch between the column and the metadata

There is a mismatch in the Duration column and the meta data.

the audio file can be downloaded from

This is actually very important in my use case.


The difference is 1 second, so it probably just comes down one thing rounding up and the other rounding down.

(The Properties dialog is part of Windows, which may not always round the time in the exact way our code does when populating the column.)

in my use case (and the details are not important), but 1 sec out is huge. I would prefer if this was displayed in milliseconds.

Get this add-in and change the type of Composite-Duration from duration to double (line 599).

The duration in both cases is shown in seconds. It has to be rounded up or down.

A 1 second difference means very little when the duration is displayed in seconds, especially without examining which one is closer to the real length (which could reveal it’s the Properties dialog from Windows you want to change, not Opus).

AWESOME! Exactly what I wanted. Many thanks!