Average Video Bit Rate column

Hey there dudes and dudettes,

Can I make a custom column header that averages the video bit rate for all of the video files contained within a folder and lists it like the Files (total) column does?

I like to keep all my downloaded video files at an average bit rate + or - 1200 kbps and having this column would allow me to see if all the video files contained within a folder are around this bit rate. It helps to make sure I don't have outrageously large video files hidden on my hard drives. Is it possible to make a column such as this?

Thank you everyone.

I've modified this add-in to also show averages. Not the same as bit rates, but maybe close enough?

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i installed the script you pointed to, and there are three columns AVAvg, VideoAVG, AudioAVG. along with the duration columns. Which one shows the bit rate average? All I see is time in each column. What am i doing wrong?

the column i would like averaged would be the "Video Bit rate" under the movie column header. If all the files within a folder's Video Bit Rate can be averaged that is what i am looking for if that explains it better.

I've made a clone of the script for bit rates:

FolderBitrate (Columns with average bitrates for video files in folders)