Backup Error 5: Access is denied - Reinstall did not help

Just out of curiosity and because I only have problems with Dopus since version 10.5, I reinstalled version 10.2 and lo and behold, the backup went without a hitch. Again. What gives :open_mouth: ?

However, for the sake of troubleshooting, I re-updated to version 10.5.1 (and because I'm a masochist I suppose :unamused: ).

I do use Process Monitor instead of Windows Task Manager but I'm not sure I know how to generate a log file for Dopus. I restarted a fresh Process Monitor, launched a backup operation and use the function Help/Log but just get an empty log pane. Am I doing something wrong?

When I use the Zip function (that comes with zip and email), I get the error "The system cannot find the path specified. (3)" and no zip files is created: