Backup Error 5: Access is denied - Reinstall did not help

You know Leo, what really puzzle me is that everything works fine until I switch to 10.5.x. Then I have to spend quite an amount of time to try and fix something that has not been changed from my side although somehow feels like my own doing :imp: It drives me crazy :smiling_imp: .

My bad about this one. I PM'd to you my log file with Dopus process while doing a backup. Hope this will help.

[quote]What about when creating a Zip using the Archive Files button?

(Using Zip & Email adds extra places where things could go wrong -- e.g. if no appropriate mail client is installed -- which may confuse matters.)[/quote]
Actually, it seems to me that it doesn't as it never gets to the emailing phase because all the paths are not available. Therefore, I don't get the error about mail client and such. I just get the detailed files error #3 with the Zip & Email function.

So, this time, I used the function button "CreateFolder ARCHIVE" (hope it's the right one finally) to generate a zip file and it did. But the files in all three locations are indeed created but they are all empty inside and without any error warning.

My user profile path doesn't have special non-ascii characters, symbols or even numbers. It uses exclusively some of the 26 letters of the modern English alphabet.

I have not moved my Temp directory nor changed anything on my system including installation of programs, be it configuration or hardware wise.
I do use junctions but for troubleshooting purpose, I removed them to have a "clean" environment. Moreover, I don't see why it could have been the culprit as it has never been a problem until now.

I don't understand why these problem occurs and repeat that nothing has changed in both my system and Dopus configuration. The point that keeps chafing me is that when I reinstall version 10.2, the backup is done without any problem. It looks quite similar to the problem I had earlier with the Ctrl+point select issue (which turned out to be a programming adjustment that Jon corrected for version 10.5.1).