How can I add a tag to a single file or a group of files which already have tags attached to them, without removing the pre-existing tags?
An example: Three files, each with a tag: Bob, Elle, Erika. I want to select them all and add the "absent" tag to the three of them without removing the respective Bob, Elle and Erika specific to each.
Please link your account.
I'll have to remake my topic then, I got the wrong account for it here.
I can't seem to link it. It says my code is already linked to another account and I can't find why.
Looks like goalposthead is your original/linked account. I can unlink it if you want to link this one instead.
Re the tags, you can put a +
before the tag name to say you want to add it to existing tags. For example, select several files and open the metadata panel, and the tags value might say "multiple values". Click on it and type +newtag
and then click apply and it will add "newtag" to the existing ones.
This also works in commands if you need buttons that add/remove one tag without affecting the others.
As always, give it a try on some test files/copies to make sure it's working you expect before mass-changing things.
Sure, unlinking my account so I can rehook this one instead would be nice, thanks.
How would I go about to make this a button then? I tried creating a enw command button but I don't know what formula to give it.
I've transferred the link over. You shouldn't need to do anything else.
For the command, something like this:
SetAttr META "tags:+my tag"
Or change the +
to -
to remove a tag.
Thanks for the transfer About the command, the one you give here will add whatever has been coded in it but if I'm going to add many different metadata tags on several occasions, I can't recode a command button for every occasion. What I'd like to achieve is to select files, click a button and type in a pop up box what tag I want to add to them without destroying previously added tags. For quick mass editing of tags, in fact.
SetAttr META "tags:+{dlgstring|Enter tag to add:}"
Yes!~~~ That covers it perfectly, I added it and its "remove" counterpart. It's exactly what I needed. Thanks a bunch, Leo