Brief "red" wave in the file operation window

In the file copy/move operation graph that shows speed over time

I think I've noticed a small "red" wave going from left to right (not captured on the screenshot). Though the green waves move from right to left

Do you know what it might be? Anything dangerous :slight_smile:

The graph turns red when there’s an error, like the progress bars do as well.

The graph remained green, only a "blip/wave" was red, and there was no error reported

If you're running a beta:

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Oh, that must be it. Thanks!

@Leo Is there a way to disable it? I don't need extra worry that my hour-long file operations had some error I didn't catch or something

So you use a beta for hour-long operations you say?

well, it had a few crash fixes, so should've been more resilient overall :thinking: