Bug report: duplicates aren’t really sorted

Yes that will be improved in the next version (remember that is a beta release).

Well, things are getting better in Thank you so far!

But I still encounter some bugs in this version:

In the first screenshot, I agree about the location field showing the library root - that should be fixed.
The column headers being wrong is very weird. Do you ever see that effect outside of Duplicates? If you remove a column and re-add it does it fix itself up?

In the second screenshot, you're grouping the results by Name, not by Duplicates.

I’ve only seen this a few times in the duplicates since the new group column was created. But it might not be related to the duplicates, because I only feel the need to group files in the duplicates.
I didn’t identify how this column shift appeared, but I think I encountered it when I re-run the same duplicate search while being in the duplicate tab already.

As far as I remember, columns start fixing themselves if I start clicking on them. Next time I see this I will try removing and adding columns, as you suggested.

OK, I think I got a bit confused about this new column and forgot about the special group by duplicates. But I wonder if duplicates shouldn’t always stay together in some way.