Button to generate md5 or sha256

Has someone already made a button to get the md5 and sha256 for the selected file? Or can I get some help making one? I made a bat file but I have to change the name of the file each time I want to check a file.



I will give that a try thanks.

Buttons for a few checksum types are built-in.

If you just want to see the numbers, use these in the Edit menu:


You can also copy values from any column:


Or use the commands under Edit > Copy Other to put the checksums straight into the clipboard:

SHA256 isn't included in the default toolbars, but can be added by copying/editing the existing commands and changing which algorithm they use. E.g. getsizes hash=sha256

Thank, I should have been more detailed in my original post, but I was in a hurry.

I have all my folders in thumbnail view so probably what I would like is something that pops up a box that says what the value is. even better would be a box that allows me to paste the expected value and have it tell me if it matches or not.

I haven't had time to dig into this, it is probably super simple. if there is some javascript in the opus docs you could point me to I can probably figure it out.

This may do what you want already, or could be adapted if not quite right:

Some other related scripts:

(There may be more, those are just the ones I found while looking for the first one.)

Thanks I will look over those links.