What we want to do is take each image from a set out of each folder and put them in folder together and then append an incremental number to the end of it.
This can be done by anybody who's familiar with scripting. DO is not really required for this, but can be of help triggering the processing. So an external script in perl, python, vbs, php or jscript will do just fine, wrapping this into a DO button is the ice on the cake. o)
Is there anyway I can put these two rename commands into two buttons to make it faster to run?
Edit: Just found the rename preset option. Is there anyway to "run" a rename preset via a button?
Edit2: Looks like Leo answered this question here - Assign Rename Preset to Toolbar
Sorry to ask another question about this but how do I go about getting the numbering to start from 1 instead of 0? I'm sure it's a quick change but I can't figure out what it is.
I've been changing different parts of the code for the New name section but i'm not able to change the bit I need. I'm assuming it's the \2. part of the sequence but when I change the figure it just changes the information that's displayed rather than change the value of the number.
This is the existing code.
To get sequence numbers, based on your existing 0-based sequence numbers, use:
Old name: (.*_0*(\d+)_.*_(\d{4})).(.*)
New name: ..\Folder_\3\\\1_\2.\4
I'm afraid it isn't a quick change. The regular expression can only capture existing data, not perform expression evaluation such as arithmetic. For this, you'll need a script.
OK I see. I didn’t realise it was simply using the digits already in the filename. I’ll see if the software can output the files starting with 1 instead of 0.