I am trying to make DOpus to add copy operations to queue using Drag-and-drop + Shift event, and it is not working for some reason.
My actions:
In File types -> All files and folders I changed Drag-and-drop + Shift event command to Copy QUEUE=MyQueue .
In Dual Vertical view I drag-and-dropped folder with files from disk R to disk D, copy progress bar appeared.
In the same lister while copy process was running I drag-and-dropped another folder from disk R to disk E while holding the shift key. Another copy progress bar appeared, and DOpus started copy process for the second folder.
I also tried changing command to Copy QUEUE=none,shift,MyQueue in Drag-and-drop event for All files and folders(all commands were removed for Drag-and-drop + Shift to avoid confilcts) without any result.
Also DOpus crashed several times while I tried to drag and drop the folder, this happed after Copy command for Drag-and-drop and/or Drag-and-drop + Shift events was changed.
Just in case if I wan't clear enough in the first post, it is not like DOpus crashes every time I tweak Copy command , this just happened several times, the majority or time I am unable to add copy operation to queue(in other words Opus ignores QUEUE argument of the Copy command and starts copy process). I started this thread to understand why QUEUE argument is not working for me.
I think I know why QUEUE argument wasn't working for me. It seems that the queue has to be created first in order to be able to add copy operation to it. To put in another way in my case shift key had to be held while I was drag-and-dropping both folders, otherwise there will be two separate queues, one created by DOpus automatically and MyQueue created by QUEUE argument resulting in simultaneous copy process.
Opus sometimes can be a real riddle.
And another thing I would like to know, do I understand it right that shift value of QUEUE argument is not working when used in drug-and-drop events? I tried to bind a command Copy QUEUE=none,shift,MyQueue to drag-and-drop event in All files and folders(Drag-and-drop + Shift event is not defined), and when I held shift key while I was drag-and-dropping a folder nothing happened.
At least in general, Drag & Drop events intentionally do not pass the key state to the commands they run.
This is because there are separate drag & drop events for each key.
(And they may run commands which themselves respond to keys being down, where the command needs to be run according to only its arguments, specified in the drag & drop event, and not keys it sees.)
If you want drag & drop to not queue, and drag & drop + shift to queue, set the events as: