This is another issue.. I can't use the middle-mouse button when hovering over a folder in order to open that folder in a new tab ( in background without switching to it )... I can't seem to locate any option to set this up either.
In Opus Pro, you can use Settings > File Types > All Folders > Events to change what a middle double-click does. (e.g. "Go NEWTAB=findexisting")
You can then also turn on Preferences / File Displays / Mouse / Single middle click to trigger middle double-click events on background and files so you only have to single-click.
If I enable middle click option it highlights each file I select. Actually, it does the same thing whether that option is checkmarked or not.
So there is no way for a commonly used, in every tabbed program I have used, key combination unless you purchase the pro version? Why is there even a light version then; and why aren't these changes listed on your site? Only some of the changes are listed such as script support, but the ability to use normal-tabbed-program keysets isn't listed as a difference...
Can't seem to edit posts on the forum either... But script support seems pointless when addons are supposed... ie since logic is universal it's only writing it in a different language.. For some it may be easier for script support; but it still doesn't change that these features that have evolved to be expected in tabbed / multi-document-applications should be included unless otherwise stated...
Edit: Right clicking the window-bar ( which doesn't include the full path of the folder currently opened; hopefully this exists ) and choosting customize openes up a toolbars / keys window... Most of them are greyed out but hotkeys seems to be available but it doesn't seem to support mouse keys...
Also there is a bug with the sizing of the drop-down nested menu for media keys... The full height doesn't display properly on a multi-display setup meaning you can't see the down arrow... I had to move it to my 2 center screens to see the arrow as it isn't visible on my left or right monitors at 1920x1080 each...
Edit: Because mouse-scrolling doesn't work in the media-keys dropdown like it doesn't work for the tab-bar either...
The light version is there for people who want a better file manager than Explorer but don't want to pay for the Pro version. If you want all the goodies, upgrade to Pro.
Seems you can bypass it by adding the function: Go NEWTAB=nofocus,findexisting FROMSEL
Choose a hotkey, then using AutoHotkey add script to check for the program.. if open then hotkey for middle-mouse button Send / SendInput the hotkey you choose...
Honestly, it should be included in Light because all tabbed / MDI programs I've used allow middle-mouse to open new tab in background... Just like they allow pinning / locking tabs ( which can be added with a plugin )... Scripting can be added using a plugin too it seems...
There's a time-to-value ratio going on you're overlooking. Jon, Leo, and Greg have spent many, many man-hours (I'm sure it's in the multiple thousands of hours) working on Directory Opus. It's been around many years (some of us used to use Directory Opus on its original platform, the Commodore Amiga). They deserve compensation for such an incredible tool and value the time they have committed to make such a fine product. They value their time very much.
Conversely, you are devaluing your own time. You are spending a lot of time writing messages telling them what they should do with their product and also spending time circumventing light-versus-pro features. Let's say all of the effort into learning how to do things in the light version (that the pro could do more easily), plus writing the messages as well as making the AHK workaround adds up to just 3 hours (I suspect it would be more if you were "on the clock"). If the light-to-pro upgrade was $40 (AUD), then you have valued your time at just $13 (AUD) per hour. I don't know about you, but it's been a long time since I made only $13 an hour. Here's a fun fact: $13 AUD is equivalent to only $9.54 USD.
Just something to ponder while you pound away at these "Here's what I think you should do with your product" debates.
I appreciate very much all the work Jon, Leo, and Greg have put into this product. There's no better equivalent product out there and I'm delighted to support their work. I've put my money where my mouth is.
It was time saved that I value very much.
I didn't say I don't like it, but such a feature which is present in all tabbed / mdi applications should be included in the light version: Pinned tabs and middle-click..
I have severe nerve damage from a car accident may 7 2011 where the other party ran a stop sign and hit me.. I only make a few hundred per year ( Down from high 5 to 6 figure starting salary in my field with 2 career offers from very large corporations which I was unable to start because of the injury ) if I'm lucky, so every dollar counts...
Basically, I'm not reliable because of this injury.. I typically get 2 hours out of ever 72 hours where my pain level is at its lowest of 4 of 10 and I need to use that time to stay sane otherwise I will question my moral objective against suicide... $40 is too much for me because I'm trying to save up for a new computer by selling off anything I don't need and repairing electronics, etc... I already spent $40 on XYplorer and I am waiting on a refund because they advertise features which don't work or aren't included, not to mention it is buggy as hell.
I do like DOpus so far, but without those features it is un-usable, not to mention manipulation of tabs isn't intuitive at all without that feature.. Every minute counts for me ( I spend my time tutoring people by letting them ask me any question regarding programming, debugging, logic, philosophy, life, etc... and by coding. ) I need something that speeds up folder exploration and manipulation.. not something which slows me down.
It is nice that you argue about time and money; if I was making what I am capable of making with my level of intelligence then I'd say take the $40 - but in a state of living-death and being tortured 24/7 my time is worth nothing because I am not reliable.. I can't tell you from one day to the next if I'll be paralyzed in bed for the next 2 to 3 days or if I'll piss myself because I pitched, yawed or tilted ( turned ) my neck to far, or if I am unable to urinate for upwards of a week ( droplet per minute at most ) because I turned my neck a few degrees too far or if I'll stop breathing because I sat in a car or upright too long ( phrenic nerves which control diaphragm and heart ), etc...
I am quite capable of understanding time / money connection and am excellent with financial management; people who have money are stingy because the value of a dollar is known and every cent adds up... People use debit cards for every little thing and it adds up quick and then they wonder why they have no money...
When you get your $40 back from XYplorer it should cover the upgrade to Pro nicely
I am planning on it if I like the pro trial which I'll start soon.. But there are still some issues ( such as RegEx not working at all, etc... going to double-check to make sure I have the latest beta because ^ doesn't work, you have to use \ for start of string, $ does work, also matching folders doesn't always work and you can't match the ../ virtual folder.... ) which I am hoping will be resolved...
"Regexp not working at all" - Regex works fine and is used by thousands of people.
In your other thread on regex you were trying to use Perl (or similar) programming syntax, not just regular expressions. (I can't find the thread now. Not sure what happened to it, unless it was part of another thread.)
\ does not match the start of strings. ^ does and works, at least in most contexts.
If there is an unreported issue there, please report it in a separate thread to make sure it gets proper attention and can be tracked.
What features is it that does not work or aren't included?
Can't use the tab bar at all; ie if you have more than 2 or so tabs open you can't scroll through them. The scripting features are poor with no event handlers / callbacks so you can't fix what is broken. and a few other things that were promised to be fixed if I bought pro... which was then denied.
Dopus at least has callbacks so some of these issues can be fixed; unfortunately I have to use a vertical tab-bar because horizontal has the same scrolling issue. Regex doesn't work ( ^ doesn't work at all so I guess I'll make a topic about that specifically - and \ doesn't work in all cases, but it does match the start of the string in all cases I've used it except one when matching folders - trying to match ^+ or \+ in any / all cases works half the time in half of the folders and in other folders it labels all _+ folders as internal including non _ starting folder-names so this is a big issue - ^ doesn't work at all in any of these cases.. maybe I'm missing something but I've been using Regular expressions for a very long time and things as simple as this shouldn't cause me to want to blow my brains out [ but the extra stress of having a screwed up neck and back plus all of the symptoms and issues that come with severe nerve damage doesn't help ] and I could create them in my sleep... )...
I should mark this as solved as I modified an OXR file so middle-click works to open folders in lister ( although I have yet to find single-click so I'm using double-middle-click string / name and have to checkmark single-middle-click acts as double-middle-click )...
Regular Expressions do work, as I keep saying in every thread you make this claim in. Now that we're getting to the bottom of thing in the other thread we're currently talking in, it seems you were just making incorrect assumptions about what was being matched.
PLEASE, please, stop throwing things that you've made a thread for into multiple other threads. It makes it hard to follow things, and it means we either have to post answers/corrections in multiple places, or leave it so that if someone finds that thread, and not the one with the answer, then they won't think it was answered at all, and may not find the answer to the same question they had.
More focus within each thread, sticking to a single subject and not letting it leak into other threads, and not letting other subjects leak into threads that are about something else, will make things go much more smoothly.
Similarly, let's leave discussion of XYPlorer's shortcomings to XYPlorer's forum. They don't belong here, although you can discuss whatever you want over in the CoffeeShop part of the forum if you do want to have a general chat about things. Almost anything goes in there, since it doesn't get in the way of tech support.
Sorry, but there is something broken with this install of phpBB; maybe with groups... I can't easily find previous posts that I've made.
Back on topic - regarding this:
[quote]In Opus Pro, you can use Settings > File Types > All Folders > Events to change what a middle double-click does. (e.g. "Go NEWTAB=findexisting")
You can then also turn on Preferences / File Displays / Mouse / Single middle click to trigger middle double-click events on background and files so you only have to single-click.[/quote]
I want to be able to change what single-middle-mouse-click does.. I don't want to require middle-mouse and I don't want to enable a double-click simulator to do it... I was able to enable the middle-mouse feature using AHK and by changing a few files around in Light.. But now with Pro, being able to change a single-middle-click should be available...
I would also like to see all key based options in one menu.. Having to hunt for them in 3 different dialogs or menus in multiple different categories and tabs is draining and not efficient in terms of ui design. If all controller options were in one menu, it would streamline the process of setting up binds because right now, as discussed, you have to enable something here to do something there, etc...