Column: Pandoc Word Count

This script add-in generates a custom column that shows the number of words in documents. It uses Pandoc and a bit of RegEx.

The regex used to count the words is similarly quick-and-dirty and its results will most likely differ from other counting methods - feel free to offer improvements!

In general, it should work with all file types Pandoc can read.

How to set up and use

:one: Install Pandoc from

:two: Save ColumnPandocWordCount.js.txt to   

%appdata%\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\Script AddIns

:three: Adjust the path to pandoc.exe in the script file

:four: Toggle the column with...

Set COLUMNSTOGGLE="scp:PandocWordCount/PWC(!,a,0)"

... or use it for renaming.

The column shows the number of words or an error code.

Error Codes
-1 Extension was excluded
-2 Conversion with Pandoc was not successful
-3 File is empty

Things you might enjoy reading

Inspired by Column: Word Count for Microsoft Word documents
How to use buttons and scripts from this forum

The script's inner workings

var cmd = DOpus.Create().Command();
var fsu = DOpus.FSUtil();
var fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
var wsh = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
var exePandoc = fsu.Resolve('/programfiles\\Pandoc\\pandoc.exe'); // adjust to your system
var extensions = DOpus.Create().StringSetI('.doc', '.docx', '.txt', '.md', '.log'); // append if needed

function OnInit(initData) { = 'PandocWordCount';
    initData.desc = 'Count words with a bit of regex';
    initData.version = '2024-02-16';
    initData.url = '';
    initData.default_enable = true;
    initData.min_version = '12.24';

function OnAddColumns(addColData) {
    var col = addColData.AddColumn(); = 'PWC';
    col.header = 'PWC';
    col.label = 'PWC';
    col.method = 'OnColumn';
    col.justify = 'right';
    col.autogroup = true;
    col.type = 'double';

function OnColumn(scriptColData) {
    var item = scriptColData.item;
    if (item.is_dir) return;
    if (!extensions.exists(item.ext)) {
        scriptColData.value = -1;
        return; // Not a wanted extension

    var tmpFile = fsu.GetTempFilePath('.txt', 'pwc-');

    var cmdLine = '"' + exePandoc + '"' +
        ' --wrap=none' +
        ' --write=plain' +
        ' --output="' + tmpFile + '"' +
        ' "' + item + '"';
    // DOpus.Output(cmdLine);
    wsh.Run(cmdLine, 0, true);

    if (!fsu.Exists(tmpFile)) {
        scriptColData.value = -2;
        return; // Conversion with Pandoc was not successful

    var tf = fso.OpenTextFile(tmpFile, 1);
    scriptColData.value = tf.AtEndOfStream ? -3 : tf.ReadAll().split(/\b\W+\b/).length; // return -3, if file is empty

    // cmd.RunCommand('Delete FILE="' + tmpFile + '" QUIET');



// Q: How can I convert PDFs to other formats using pandoc?
// A: You can’t. You can try opening the PDF in Word or Google Docs and saving in a format from which pandoc can convert directly.

Update 2024-02-16

  • Slight modernization
  • Added error codes
1 Like

So, is this tool basically capable of detecting if a PDF has embedded text?
This was a question elsewhere in one of the lastest postings...

Ah, found it

No, unfortunately, it's not.