Compatibility win8.1 + crash

it would seems dopus 11 cause problem in my windows 8.1 I get the error message in pic1 whenever I right click. I am unable to open control panel etc.

also got dopus that crashed with error message in pic2

thank you.

The "CNtRegistry" message is not coming from Opus itself. There's probably a bug in a shell extension which is crashing the process.

Crash, exit or high CPU when right-clicking certain files explains what to do to find out the cause.

thank you for your reply

I uninstalled dopus and the problem disappeared. after re-installing it it is back. It would seem it is dopus' problem after all. Please advise.

Sorry, what are you right-clicking? I assumed you were talking about right-clicking something within Opus, but that can't be true if you've tested something with Opus uninstalled.

I attached a new error message box I get when right clicking in dopus on a folder in the lister. after I follow your instruction to hide windows items on file context I stop getting the error message when right clicking in dopus BUT still have it when after right clicking the windows icon (win8.1) I click on "programs and features" (which doesn't opens after the error message.

Here's what I found in the event viewer. (see capture Information + error).

Those may be two unrelated issues, but you'll need to do some investigation to find out.

If Opus was crashing when you right-clicked a folder, but stopped when you turned on the option to exclude all shell extensions, then that indicates there is definitely a problem with one of the shell extensions on your system (as does the crash dialog pointing to ShellExtBridge118.dll).

I also note that ShellExtBridge118.dll has been installed below System32, when it's not a Windows component, which makes it seem questionable to me.

ShellExtBridge118.dll is published by "Moo0", if that means something to you.

I would start by enabling shell extensions in Opus again (i.e. turn the "hide windows items..." option off again in Opus), and then follow the rest of the steps in the guide I linked you: Disabling any shell extensions in ShellExView, rebooting and seeing if the problem(s) remain.

It'd make sense to start with the ShellExtBridge118.dll / Moo0 shell extension(s), since that seems to be implicated (although sometimes a bug in one shell extension leaves a mess which causes another innocent one to be the one that actually crashes, so it's not 100% certain that that really is the problematic extension; you may have to try disabling others).

I would focus on solving/investigating one crash at a time. Once you've worked out what's causing one, see if it also causes the other.

ok will check further. thank you.

Thinking about the other crash, when right-clicking the Windows icon, with the errors which seem related to dopusrt.exe: Try selecting Preferences / Launching Opus / From the Desktop / Disable in Opus. That will turn off the only interaction between dopusrt.exe and the Windows shell.