Context menu missing entries

I might have touched on this topic in previous posts but I am getting really frustrated that I can't access the regular context menu that I am used to in Windows Explorer, in Directory Opus.

This screenshot is taken when I right click the desktop folder (I do not have a file selected).

For some reason Git Bash, Git GUI and Cmder is gone from the context menu in Directory Opus.

I have already unchecked "Hide Windows items on file context menu (shift overrides)".

Why is the context menu different and what can I do to get my usual context menu?

I have already read:

Does holding Shift when you right-click make a difference?

Is this item present in your Lister Context menu?

Holding shift does not make a difference.
Nope, the items are not available in the lister context menu :confused:

So the item in my screenshot is missing when you edit the menu?

That is why then. It must have been removed (maybe without realising what it did), and should be added again in the place you want the external items to appear in the menu.

(Alternatively, reset the menu to factory defaults.)

Sorry I think that was a misunderstanding. I do have the items in your screenshot. I also tried to factory reset the toolbar. Still does not work as I want.

  • Have you checked if the missing menu items appear when you go to Notepad.exe, open the File > Open dialog, then right-click the folder background?

    (If they do not appear there either, the thing that adds them is making it so they only appear in Explorer.)

  • Assuming UAC is active, make sure dopus.exe is not elevated, as that could prevent the shell extensions from working.

    (Using Opus's own UAC support and Admin Mode is fine, but don't launch the entire process elevated.)

In a regular "Open dialog" window I can see git Bash, Git GUI and Cmder.
I do not run dopus elevated or in admin mode, no need to do that.

EDIT: I actually completely removed dopus 12 and installed it again. This is a screenshot of how it looks in "vanilla" state. So at least we can rule out any settings in dopus?

I would try in a normal folder, not the Desktop or any other virtual folder, as that complicates things.

But apart from that I am out of ideas at the moment.

It is the same for almost any other folder :confused:

Here's how it is on my machine.

I can confirm that the GIT commands don't show up. It might have to do something specifically with GIT

explorer view

dopus view

dopus context menu

as you can see the AMD radeon settings show up in both, but not the GIT ones. This is when I click on an empty space

However when I select A folder and right click



/Sidenote: gotta love the new forum! And ease of copy/pasting images!

Thanks for all that info. I've been able to reproduce it, it seems to be something about the way some commands are added to that menu.

We'll hopefully have a fix for it in the next update.

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I can confirm the same result as VijaySaraff mentioned. I would very much like to just right-click inside a folder and get the same items in the menu. I really hope for an update on this, thanks!