Issue with Context Menu Missing for Specific File Types


I recently faced an issue with Directory Opus where the context menu fails to appear for certain file types when I right-click. For example, while .txt and .jpg files display the expected menu options, file types like .zip and .docx do not show any context menu at all. This behavior started after I installed a recent update, but I'm not sure if it's directly related. :upside_down_face:

I've already tried resetting the context menu settings to default and even reinstalled Directory Opus, but the problem persists. :innocent: Checked Context menu missing entries Okta guide for reference .

Could this be related to file type associations or a conflict with other installed software? :thinking:Any guidance on troubleshooting or a fix would be appreciated!

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face:

It may be antivirus blocking Opus from accessing zip and docx files (or files in a certain directory), which is something Defender likes to do in particular, especially with documents folders. If they files cannot be opened, the menu won't display.

It could also be a problem caused by a shell extension something else has installed. See Crash, exit or high CPU when right-clicking certain files for how to deal with that possibility.