Convert To Menu Button

One of the Customize options for a menu is to Convert To Menu Button

This creates a menu button with a drop down arrow. I prefer to do without the drop down arrow, which takes up space. Could we please have a with/without drop down option, or alternatively a customize option to toggle the drop down arrow on a menu button.

Regards, AB

I don't really understand. A menu button without the drop-down arrow is a button.

This is what gets generated for the various menu options..

Menu on Left Click with no Right Click action

	<button backcol="none" display="icon" textcol="none" timed="yes" type="menu_button">
		<label>Button Action on Left Click, Menu on Right Click without Drop Down Arrow</label>
	<button backcol="none" display="icon" textcol="none" type="menu_button">
		<label>Button Action on Left Click, Menu on Right Click with Drop Down Arrow</label>[/code]

The Customize dialog Convert To Menu Button option generates the third variety from the first variety. I'm after an option to generate the second timed="yes" variety, the one with no drop down arrow.

Regards, AB

Oh, I understand now. Once you've converted the menu to a menu button, just right-click it (in Customize mode) and choose the Hold or Right-Click to Drop Down option.

Thanks Jon. I hadn't spotted that simple solution!

Regards, AB