Copy MOVE CREATEFOLDER "{dlgstringS|Name of Folder to move to...|{file$|noext}}"
This is fine for a single file.
When I wish to copy multiple files that way, it will obviously ask for each file.
I would like to select a number of files, use an adjusted menu to move them into a single folder named after the first one that I can (preferably) first edit before proceeding.
I select those, then use a command that asks for the filename that takes the 1st name 'as a base' - I would then remove the trailing part (52-000) and click OK to have the files stored in a folder named
'Calendar - Versions'
Right now I select the first file, hit F2, select 'Calendar - Versions', copy to clipboard
then use
dopusrt /CMD Copy MOVE TO HERE CREATEFOLDER "{dlgstring|Specify folder-name to MOVE items to...: {d}|{d}}"
Move them where? The error happens if they're being moved in an invalid way, so skipping it will be the same as skipping the folders themselves. (Depending on what the destination is, of course.)
I understand that is not possible to move folder into itself, so I ask if it's possible to skip this error message but move others folders and files selected to it...