Crash after deleting a file

Quite often, not always, DOpus crashes when I'm deleting a file. This is quite odd and I haven't found a rule yet on when it does and when it doesn't.

The crash sometimes just makes DOpus to disappear and I have to restart it, sometimes it shows the Windows dialog which wants to send a report to Microsoft.

In this dialog which I just got again this morning there is a problem signature:

AppName: dopus.exe
AppVer: 2.0.616.2
ModName: tiptsf.dll
ModVer: 1.7.2600.2663
Offset: 00007c4c

The report wants to send a text file with further information which I have attached here to this post.

Hope somebody can advise?

29ee_appcompat.txt (46.9 KB)

Tried this hotfix from October?

Thanks for this hint. I have all the available hotfixes installed so I wasn't looking at Micrososft for a possible solution. But the issue description sounds like mine and I applied for this hotfix through Microsoft support. Hope they'll come back to me on that soon.

tiptsf.dll is a system DLL - something to do with the tablet/pen stuff. Opus doesn't open this or use it directly, so really I think Microsoft is your best bet.