Crash renaming files

I just experienced my first crash. I had multiple files selected in a lister and instead of File/PowerRename I used the Rename toolbar button. This led to a crash.

I'm not sure where to find the crash log to submit. I found this older post: Automatic crash logs (for bug reports) when I searched for crash logs in the forum, but I wasn't able to locate the Minidump file.

I've probably missed it somewhere obvious. What is the correct way to find and submit crash logs?

Update. Found that the link to "crash log" on the error message goes to the same forum post so assuming it is still correct, and finally found the folder with the dumps. Submitting it now.

Easiest way in future is, as the text in the dialog says, to use the "Submit Crash Logs" command in the Help menu.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see "Submit Crash Logs"... I looked in all the submenus. I'm running 13.0.39.


If you chose not to update your toolbars when you installed the beta then you won't have new commands like that, but you can find them and add them to your existing toolbars from the Customize / Default Toolbars page.

OK. Understood. I'll look there for the future. However, that leads to a second issue because I did choose to update all the toolbars to the new defaults when I installed v13. I remember it distinctly for two reasons:

  1. I was really impressed that the choice to update the toolbars came up and was an option, and
  2. I chose to use the new toolbars as I'd made no customisations and was quite happy to use the new ones.

Admittedly the toolbars look the same as v12, so maybe I didn't select it correctly during installation?

Crash dump received, thanks. Should be fixed in the next beta.

If you'd made no customisations at all it would have (or at least, should have!) silently upgraded your toolbars without asking. It's only if they weren't the defaults that you would be asked.

Hard to know exactly what happened now but, if you made a backup of your configuration, you could always revert to Opus 12, restore the backup and then upgrade to the beta again and double-check exactly what options are given and what selections you made. Certainly possible there's an issue which stops it updating something it should have, so if you have the time to try that it'd be useful.

I did make the settings backup as it was recommended to do so. I'm happy to try and retrace my steps, documenting it along the way. One question though. To revert to Opus 12 do I uninstall v13 and then reinstall v12, plus licence, or can I install v12 over the top like I did when installing v13.

I suspect the former might be required, but thought I'd ask in case you know there is an easier way to revert.

I think installing 12 over 13 should be fine, although it might need you to reboot.

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The crash should be fixed in 13.0.40 - thanks for reporting it!

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