If I right-click on a folder, there is no menu option to create a new folder under the highlighted folder. It would be great to be able do this from the context menu.
If I click 'New Folder' on the toolbar, it creates the new folder at the root directory rather than on the highlighted folder.
So the only option seems to be to open the folder first then right-click --> New --> Folder or use the New Folder option on the toolbar once the folder is opened.
I was expecting that with the new expandable folders that I would be able to create a new folder under the highlighted folder without having to open it first, if that makes sense.
I used the second script (quoted above) which creates a folder and names it 'New Folder'. The only issue is that it looks like I can rename it but within a second it auto-saves. Is there a way to get it to wait until I rename it?
File Display. But just that folder after creating it. So for example that code above I create a new folder somewhere in the file display, then i want that to be expanded, but leave everything else as is.
Thanks, This works! You are a life saver. I edited this and removed all the issues I was having (in this post), I restarted dopus and now it works as expected.
Thank you!
Is there a way to link this to the default CTRL+N command? I mean opening the window with all its options (create multiple folders, etc.)?
And do the same with CTRL+O to create a new .txt file?
Here are your options:
//Displays the parent folder with the new folder unexpanded
//Displays the parent folder with the new folder expanded @sendkey:alt+down
//Displays the contents of new folder
Go "{filepath}{$FolderName}"