I am unable to read Outlook emails (msg) using the "Viewer Pane". How do I add this feature?
I am unable to read Outlook emails (msg) using the "Viewer Pane". How do I add this feature?
Windows Vista and above come with a preview handler for .msg files which Opus will use.
On Windows XP, you could use Quick View Plus to get a viewer. Otherwise I think you may be limited to viewing .msg files as plain-text.
Plain text is fine...how?
All I see now is scrambled characters!
Sorry, I was thinking of .eml files; just realised that .msg files had a block of binary data at the top of them so they're not seen as plain-text.
Quick View Plus may be the only option, in that case.
...Just had a look on my machine and Outlook 2010 has also installed a .msg preview handler, so that may be another option (albeit an expensive one). I'm not sure if its preview handler would be installed on Windows XP or not, though, as I only have it installed on a Windows 7 machine.
I looked at Quick View Plus supported file formats under other and it doesn't show any msg ability!
avantstar.com/metro/home/Pro ... ifications
Any other possible viewers available for XP via opus?
I think the versions supported are inline to the right and it's blank...meaning none are supported!
Maybe I'm not reading it right?..that would be great!
Why would they list the format at all if wasn't supported?
They only put versions there where it's applicable; i.e. where there are different versions of the file format and they only support some of them.
[quote="leo"]Why would they list the format at all if wasn't supported?
They only put versions there where it's applicable; i.e. where there are different versions of the file format and they only support some of them.[/quote]
To let you know that it isn't supported without question!
They have "executable .exe" with nothing and this isn't a viewable file or is it?
On other pages they list formats with "All" listed...why...this is what is confusing me!
Maybe they should say "none!"
It's just not very clear, not your problem! I will get answers from them!
Sorry to take up your time on this trivial stuff!
Thanks again!
That would be a daft thing for them to do.
It's a list of SUPPORTED file formats; not a list of unsupported formats, nor a list of all formats in the world.
If they listed every format they didn't support it would be a very long list indeed and they would never finish writing it...
Anyway, Quick View Plus can definitely view .msg files.
And yes, it can view EXE files. It shows you information about them (e.g. version numbers).
Very nice!
Thanks for clearing this up for me!
I just remembered that Quick View Plus doesn't install its preview handlers on XP, so it may not actually be of use to you.
(It may do if you have Outlook 2007 or above installed, as that also uses preview handlers, even on XP, so it may install them if it detects it; I have not tested that, though.)
Your support is fantastic!
I have emailed them and hopefully I'll get an answer!
I'll let you know what the verdict is...
Thanks again!!!
Avanstar.com support:
That doesn't mean all features of it are installed or work, though.
QVP consists of a standalone application that can view files you double-click on as well as a preview handler which allows Explorer (Vista/Win7), Outlook (2007/2010) and Opus to view additional file types.
In my own testing, the preview handler was not installed on a vanilla Windows XP machine. (But maybe it would be if the machine had Outlook 2007 or 2010 installed, although if it had 2010 it would probably already have a .msg preview handler from Outlook itself.)
I just tested and it doesn't show up
I wish I new before upgrading to Office 2007-2010...no trial offer...$$$
Did you try using the trial version of QVP?
Unless they've fixed their installer in the last few days, the preview handler isn't installed properly with the trial version (even on Windows 7). Details here: Quick View Plus
Yes - I used the trial version. The full version may not work either: (No way to test without $$$)
[quote]Notes & Caveats (correct at the time of writing, September 2010):
Windows XP: Quick View Plus 11 does not install its preview handler on Windows XP, although it may do if you have Outlook 2007 installed (this has not been tested).
64-bit: Avantstar, who make Quick View Plus, do not officially support using it on 64-bit versions of Windows; however, from brief testing it appears to work fine.
QVP editions: Quick View Plus 11 comes in two editions: Standard and Professional. The Standard edition is all you need if you just wish to view files within Directory Opus.
QVP Trial version: The current Quick View Plus trial version does not correctly install its preview handler, meaning it will not work within Directory Opus. Avantstar are aware and will hopefully fix this in the future. The problem does not affect the full version of Quick View Plus. You can still use the trial version's standalone QVP application to test how well it views certain files.[/quote]
They have some sort of return policy (7 day or 30 day or something) so you could theoretically buy it, try it, and then get a refund if it doesn't work.
Ok, thanks!