Custom Lister context menu


I'm currently evaluating release and tried to restore my custom list context menu from release 9 using the thread from Leo Custom Lister Context Menu (as seen in Opus 9 preview)

I cant seem to replace it using the instruction, the option to browse in step 4 isnt there, or am i missing something?

Thank you vey much


I've updated the post with instructions that should work for both versions:

[ul][li]Type /dopusdata/Buttons/Menus into the location field.[/li]
[li]Copy the downloaded .dop file over the top of ContextMenu.dop[/li]
[li]Restart Opus (if the change isn't immediate).[/li]
[li]If you wish to restore the default menu later, you can do so via Settings -> Customize -> Context Menu.[/li][/ul]

Leo, thanks, that did it.