Hello, I have a backup program (secon copy) set to copy certain folders to drive Z every x minutes. By mistake I happened to open a backup folder instead of the original on drive C and opened and modified the backup files instead of the originals. Is there any possibility to customize Opus so that Tabs that show contents from drive Z are alwas e.g. red? Or any other possibility. What I tried so far was to change the icon of a parent backup folder on Z, but not even this was possible because seemingly dopus won't change folder icons (customize in properties) on sd cards. Any ideas how to create visual hints that a certain folder is currently displayed?
I managed to change the drive icon with the program "icon phile", but comments to my questions are still very welcome; I also wonder why Opus won't change sd card folder icons.
I don't know what Icon Phile does, but the Properties -> Customize -> Change Icon method of changing a folder icon should work in both Explorer and Opus.
If the Properties method doesn't work in Explorer or Opus then there's nothing to investigate, but if it works in Explorer and doesn't work in Opus then there is.
I did understand the icon customize feature is not Opus-specific. So no, it neither works in Explorer nor in Opus.
However, the program I used to change the icon of the drive works nicely with Explorer, but not with Opus. In Opus, it appeared, but was exchanged by the old drive icon (don't know exactly when).
Do I understand that Opus is not able to change the icon of a specific drive (like F:) only?