Dark Theme inspired by Windows 11 Explorer

To revert theme changes back to the defaults:

  • Open Settings > Preferences.
  • Select the relevant page you wish to reset.
  • Use File > Reset Page To Defaults to reset it.
  • Do any other pages, then click OK.

Pages you may want to reset after using themes (depending on what you want to revert):

  • Display / Colours and Fonts
  • Display / Images
  • Display / Options
  • Miscellaneous / Sounds

Windows 11 Dark.dlt (106.2 KB)


Very simple and effective. I saw other dark themes, but none as simple as this one. Thank you.

Hi Thanks so much for taking time to make this.
It matches perfectly!

Question: How do I apply it to network lister panes(see the white pane)?

There's no way to change those special folders currently, as they're rendered by the Windows shell which doesn't expose any methods to change its colors. (We have an option to make it change the background color, but the text will still be black if you use that, so it's no use with inverted themes.)

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what's up with the title bar, is that fixable ?

Yes, there is a temporary fix. But I will suggest to stick with white title bar till the release of version 13. I believe it will be done at the coding end.

Could you please upload light theme too?

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I am making it with icon designed as windows 11 explorer. It will take little time because i am desigining icon in my free time.

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Can I change the "Location" bar color? It doesn't seem to be impacted by this.

The "File display border" mentioned here: Change colors for address bar (or location bar / breadcrumb bar) - #2 by Leo

doesn't seem to solve it.

I'm on Windows 11 if it matters. Doesn't seem to be any way of customizing it much there.

Installing the theme is enough to make the location bar dark if you're using Opus 12. It may be something Opus 11 didn't support.

Ah, that's probably it then! Scrollbar, search field and the location field remain uncolored.

Thanks for the reply!

How did you make the top window bar dark? It's normally themed white even after selecting Dark Theme in Windows.

Thanks. Love from China.

Thank you so much for this theme. I love it. But i have a problem on it. Shell Menu on hover color is too dark to see on dark windows 10.
Could u change the line:
toolbar_extra menu_back="#2c2c2c" menu_frame_inner="none" menu_frame_outer="#2c2c2c" path_field_bg="#464646" path_field_glyph="#969696" selected="#2d2d2d" toggled="#000000"
to this:
toolbar_extra menu_back="#2c2c2c" menu_frame_inner="none" menu_frame_outer="#2c2c2c" path_field_bg="#464646" path_field_glyph="#969696" selected="#494949" toggled="#000000"
(selected color will be #494949)
with this it can more usable.
thanks again.