Delay opening SendTo

Hello All,

I have Dopus 12.32 on my machine and there is a delay when moving past or accessing the Send To option in the context menu. I have read as much as I can but being sight impaired I have limited reading. However I have created a Debug log and attempted to add the CLSIDs shown in it to the "ignore context menu *" in preferences but the problem remains. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

I have uploaded the debug log.

Thank you Gabbie
Dopus_Log.txt (14.3 KB)

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The log looks OK, from what it shows, at least.

What's (still) in the menu? One of the items there might be a clue as to why it's taking a long time.

Is there a delay every time it opens (for a particular file), or just the first time?

Any similar delay in File Explorer?

Hi, Thanks for the reply.

Good to see it looks normal :slight_smile:

The Normal entries are visable - Bluetooth, Compressed, Desktop, Documents, fax, mail, and DVD RW.

I am thinking maybe it is the DVD player. I could try disconnecting it physhically but would rather an alternative, if it is the problem.

When going to reboot next time I will delve into the machine and disconnect the DVD drive.

Thanks Gabbie

If you type /sendto into the path field in Opus and push return, it'll take you to where some of the shortcuts are which get included in the menu.

Check there's nothing there pointing to unavailable network drives or similar.

Also, if the Send To menu is showing drive letters in general, make sure there aren't any drive letters mapped to servers which aren't currently accessible.

Hi Leo,

I've looked into the /sendto and there are no drives showing, just the Bluetooth, Compressed, Desktop, Documents, fax, mail entries. Still no luck. I have previuosly unistalled, rebooted and re installed Dopus, with no luck.

I have also disabled the DVD writer, which has removed the Sendto entry in the menu. Restarted Dopus but still the delay.

Also, the delay happens every time the cursor passes over the sendto. If I manoeuvre the cursor around sendto then there is no pause. There is no delay in File Explorer. It happens with all files and folders.

Is there a way to remove sendto from the context menu completely?
Thanks for helping.

Turning on Preferences / Miscellaneous / Windows Integration / Hide Windows items on file context menus (shift overrides) would hide Sent To unless Shift was held down when the menu was opened.


Thanks for that, whilst not a perfect solution it has removed the irritant for the moment and that makes me happy. Is there any other digging around that can help find the issue? I have a laptop with Dopus on and pretty much the same software and setup that does not exhibit this strange behaviour. Thank you for your help and quick response.

A ProcessMonitor log of what happens when the menu is opened might reveal something, if you want to make one.

Hi Leo, Thanks again for the suggestion.
I have made a PML log file from ProcMon using dopus filter, during SendTo selection. I don't really know where to start though with its analysis. It's a pretty big file. There are some errors in there. (809.8 KB)

If you have any pointers to what I should be looking out for I can investigate further.

Thanks kindly.

Unfortunately, nothing in the log stands out as taking a long time. It all looks normal.

It's possible the delay is happening in another process, which can't be seen as the log was filtered on dopus.exe. But I don't know if that's the case as the information is simply not there in the log.

Thanks Leo,

I think I will call it a day as I haven't the time, with Uni study coming up, to dig further. Your suggesttion of using Preferences / Miscellaneous / Windows Integration / Hide Windows items on file context menus (shift overrides) as a work around is good for me to keep going. Maybe I will discover the cause root as I change software configs and stuff on this PC. If I do find a cure I will post it up.

Thank you again for all your hard work input. I appreciate the support and love the Dopus.

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Hi Leo,

I just wanted to post up that I reinstalled windows 11 again and that cured the issue. I have the same setup but now the sendto is responsive the way it should be.

Thank you for going through some of the debug process. I learnt some new stuff as a consequence.

All the Best Gabbie.

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