Directory Opus 12 Pro was working fine yesterday, however, when I came into work this morning, I opened it, and it has been locking up. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program, but it is still doing the same thing. After being open for about a minute, it flashes as if it is refreshing, and then it locks up.
The last time I ran it and let the computer sit for about five minutes, I di receive an error message that says: "The error (0xC0000005) occurred in thread ' dopus_lister' at address 0x00007FF6D71FBF82." I have also uploaded a copy of my dump file.
How can I fix this issue and get the program running again?
Crashes/freezes like that are usually caused by a file that triggers a bug in either Opus or a third-party shell extension, or a general bug in a shell extension.
These two guides should help.
Note that we may take a bit longer than usual to look at crash dumps, due to the holidays. So you might want to try the second guide to see if you can trash down the problem file/component if you don't want to wait.
Alternatively, if Opus doesn't actually crash, but freezes for a long time, you can manually generate a process dump while it is in that state:
It is now working for the moment, it looks like there was a server update and after it completed, it is working and not locking up. I will keep my fingers crossed that it was the only problem. Thanks for your help.