Directory Opus synchronize the image viewer with the file viewer

The problem is already in the title.

I do hope that someone can help me with this. It might be a simple thing for some of you :slight_smile:

I just want the pop-up image viewer to sync with the corresponding file in the lister. I'm using it to delete photos.

Thanks in advance.

Open the image with


In the viewer, you can toggle the link with

Show VIEWERCMD=listerlink



Basically, I double click a photo, and when I click next on the viewer the highlighted one in the lister will also move?

Because that's what I want to do.

Yes, it's this button in the viewer:

It's not there sir

You need to either upgrade to Opus v13 or install this script

Viewer Select - Make file display track standalone viewer

for v12.

I'll try those sir, Thanks.

I am running the script AND Dopus 13. But are you saying I don't need the script anymore?

Yes, I'd disable it. A built-in solution will always beat a script in terms of performance and reliability.

If you want similar behavior to the script in Opus 13, make sure you turn this on:

Preferences / Viewer / Standalone Viewer / Link both ways (file display selection tracks Lister-linked viewer)

I am confused. Do I always have to enable "Link to Lister"? Or is there some permanent way to set this? I have enabled "Link both ways", but I still have to click on the "Link to Lister" button everytime I open a picture.
