Display Group Filetype Icons and Expand/Collapse Groups easily

I've had Dopus for many years mainly to use a few advanced features, but have never really spent the time to look into all the ways to use it to optimize my overall workflow. I have also lost my desire to endlessly troubleshoot and tinker with software after many thousands of hours learning Linux :man_facepalming::grin:...so I'm hoping someone can at least point me in the right direction to save me some time.

I'm trying to customize Dopus to appear very simple and clean on the surface while having access to the advanced stuff when I need it. Ideally I want the initial interface to look and operate similar to the open source Files app seen here.

My preferred default folder format in Dopus right now is set up to display collapsed groups of file types sorted with the most recent first when I open a new lister. I can then easily locate a particular file by expanding it's group.

I have been looking for an easy way to quickly expand and collapse ALL group types other than right clicking the header. I can't seem to find and way to do this with a button or key command. Maybe I'm missing something.

This feature is built into the Files app in a very nice way, in that you can click the filetype group header and the group will expand or collapse ALL groups, and will also display the filetype icon for faster navigation.

Is something like this possible right now with Dopus? Any pointers or help appreciated. Thanks!

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If your folder format is grouping by Type, there is an option to make it collapse those groups by default as well, which will take effect on each folder change.

The "Collapsed" checkbox near the bottom right here:

See Folder Formats: Quick Guide if you need to make every folder use the same folder format.

Thank you for the quick replies.

I've already made every folder the same format (groups collapsed by default and sorted by most recent modified).

Normally I just expand the filetype group heading with the dropdown arrow to access the most recent file.

This is my latest attempt at creating a minimalistic interface with Dopus... showing the same grouped filetype result.

Sometimes I also want to expand all groups quickly though. Having a key command or button (instead of right clicking the group header and selecting "expand/collapse ALL/Other groups") would be handy, but I can't seem to find expand/collapse functions to assign.

The one click expand collapse feature on "Files" is very quick and intuitive (although limited in overall functionality).

Also, the addition of Group Filetype Icons would be very nice for enhanced visual navigation to other filetypes.

Any ideas? I just find when I have thousands of files on many different attached disks...this just seems to be the fastest way for me to get to a file that I just saved in a particular location.

I'm also open to other suggestions on workflow. Thanks for your help.

Lxp pointed to the command for that in the default menus. You can add a hotkey to it to make it easier to access via the keyboard.

OK, thanks.

I couldn't find any related function before, but I've just started learning and have only done simple things like adding/modifying toolbar buttons before.

It appears I have some reading to do as I just discovered the advanced command editor....and the "Set GROUPCOLLAPSE=Toggle" function I tried to assign to a hotkey doesn't seem to do anything.

I've tried rereading the folder to get it to work (predefined hotkeys work fine), but nothing happens. Am I on the right track at least?

Excuse my ignorance as I am not familiar with programming or scripting.

Thanks for your help.

That's not the command in the menu Lxp pointed to.

While editing toolbars (Settings > Customize Toolbars), you can edit any existing menu item to see what it runs or add a hotkey to the menu item.

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Ahh....Thank you very much!....I was going at it from the wrong direction by searching for the function and assigning a key as opposed to modifying an existing menu command with a hotkey. Duh!!!:man_shrugging::man_facepalming::grin:

At least I learned something new today! Thanks again!:+1: