DO9 on a U3 thumb drive

I'm new to U3, so tell me if this is normal or an issue. I installed DO9 on my laptop running Vista. Exported my purchased USB license to my thumb drive which is U3 compatible. It launched fine from there. I took it to my desktop running XP and this U3 menu popped up. It is a new thumb drive and this is probably the first time I've used it there. The U3 menu wouldn't let me launch the program. It wanted me to re-enter the license information and yet wouldn't allow me to because it said I needed admin rights. Is this a U3 issue or a DO one? I'd gladly give up the U3 to have the DO.

Which type of export did you do, a U3 export or a generic USB export? (Both will work with a U3 memory card but the way you launch Opus is different depending on which type of export you do.)

Also, it's not a memory card with dual interfaces, is it? For example, I've got an SD card that is also a USB card (it's got two connectors) and if I export Opus to that then I have to run Opus from it when it's connected via the same interface. (Both interfaces work, but it depends which interface was in use when the export was done, if you see what I mean.)

I don't remember what type I did. The thumb drive (a 4GB Sandisk Cruiser) doesn't do any U3 stuff when I plug it into my Vista laptop. That is why it surprised me on the XP machine. I copied the DOpus stuff off it, re-formatted it, and copied it back and now it works as I was anticipating.

I do have another question though. Now that there is an update to DO9, how do you get it on the thumb drive? Do you update the desktop and re-export the license? I can't find the export option again on the new version. Am I looking in the wrong place? Did it disappear once I did an export? Does the new update change its behavior? Instead of re-exporting the license to the USB, can I just run the install and specify the USB drive as the destination?

Install the update on your main computer then export it again to the USB drive, over the top of the previous export.

It's done via Settings -> Backup & Restore if you've forgotten how to do the export.

[quote="nudel"]Install the update on your main computer then export it again to the USB drive, over the top of the previous export.

It's done via Settings -> Backup & Restore if you've forgotten how to do the export.[/quote]I tried that. It said that there was a version of DO already on the drive and did I want to continue. I said yes and went through the selection process of what all I wanted it to copy. It acted like it was copying, but at the conclusion gave me an error: "Export failed. Error code 5:Access denied"

Either the drive ran out of space or it's the bug when copying to certain types of devices which was in the very first release but has been fixed since then. (Download the installer again if you're not sure if you have the fix.)

Or some other thing, like something was holding a lock on the Opus files for some reason, so they couldn't be overwritten. Try deleting them manually and then doing the export, maybe.

I have the new version, that is why I was trying to update the USB drive. When I tried to do a delete of the prior install, it said that dopus.cert was protected and wouldn't let me delete it without unprotecting it. I wonder if the DOpus export had an issue of trying to write over a protected cert file?

You're not accidentally (still) running Opus from the USB drive, are you? That'd lock the files :slight_smile:

Process Explorer might be able to tell you what is locking the dopus.cert.

[quote="nudel"]You're not accidentally (still) running Opus from the USB drive, are you? That'd lock the files :slight_smile:[/quote]I sure that would lock it...along with most of the other stuff in the folder. I had been running DO from the desktop in order to export the new release to the USB. It worked to export it a second time to the USB....but as soon as I plugged it into my XP system the whole U3 menu popped up again. I "explored" the drive within the U3 interface (the only way I could see anything) and launched prompted me for the license. I pasted in the license (I would have thought the export would have taken care of that) and it ran fine. But when I brought it back and tried the export again, it failed again.

The bottom line is that the export will work more than once without error until you license the USB launched from within the U3 interface on a different computer.

Opus isn't locking the file on purpose to stop you exporting, it doesn't do that.

Try exiting the U3 software. It should have an icon in the system tray. It might be the cause of the lock.

[quote="nudel"]Opus isn't locking the file on purpose to stop you exporting, it doesn't do that.

Try exiting the U3 software. It should have an icon in the system tray. It might be the cause of the lock.[/quote]I don't have U3 stuff on the computer doing the export. The only time I get the U3 stuff is when I go to the desktop to try to use DO off the USB drive. When I am there, if I exit the U3 software, the USB drive becomes inaccessible. You can only explore it on the XP system if you do it within the U3 environment.

I have it running now, but just thought someone else may verify the problem of exporting an update to a USB drive if it has been licensed on a different machine.

I've done all this without problems so not sure where the lock is coming from.

The U3 stuff autoruns so you don't need to have it on your computer. Just putting the device in the USB slot will start the U3 menu up, unless you've disabled autorun/autoplay/whateveritscalled.