When installed on a flash drive does DOpus automatically update itself on the flash drive or do I have to re export once it is updated on my PC.?
When installed on a flash drive does DOpus automatically update itself on the flash drive or do I have to re export once it is updated on my PC.?
You need to re-export from your main computer to the flash drive, after installing the Opus update on your main computer.
Thank you..
Continuing the DO9 discussion on USB Flash drives...
I spent several hours last night setting up a flash drive with DO9 and a whole slew of other portable apps. Following are some observations and thoughts:
Observations:[ul]- The export was flawless and DO9 launched on the flash drive w/ no problems.
Thanks for the feedback - all good comments.
The /home alias might be a crude way of creating relative paths.
e.g. "/home/../../Media Player Classic"
(/home is the Opus Program Files dir.)
I am having a new problem. I exported with no problem to my flash drive, however when i try to use DO on another machine running off the flash drive it says there is no certificate installed...
I havent found anything relating to this problem in the help files or on here so far..
Anyone assist me...?
Is it a dual-interface flash drive? (e.g. Both SD and USB connectors) If it is then you may have to use it on the same adapter that it was exported to.
Is it a dual-interface flash drive? (e.g. Both SD and USB connectors) If it is then you may have to use it on the same adapter that it was exported to.[/quote]
Hmmm Im no expert buts its a Sandisk Cruzer Titanium although having checked the website I find that Vista is not currently supported in the current iteration of U3 software..
Ho hum....
Try exporting it in the non-U3 mode, maybe that will work.
There is a Vista-compatible version of U3 now but it seems to be vendor-specific so some vendors may not be providing it yet. I would have thought Sandisk would, though.
(Annoyingly, the U3 update can only be applied from an XP machine... Stupid design.)
Try Opus[ul][li]...[/li]
[li] Fixed problem with USB export on Sandisk Cruzer USB keys[/li]
[li]...[/li][/ul]Full list of changes here: [Directory Opus
This is for Aedeas, as it's really nothing to do with DO9.
Check your firmware on your Sandisk Cruzer Titanium. As there are some versions that will support Vista and a couple that won't. I found the info on the main U3 website. But only after i'd bought a new 4Gb Cruzer Titanium about 3 weeks ago. Typically the one I have is not supported, I phoned Sandisk and was dismayed to hear that they don't plan to update the firmware for 6 MONTHS, ie: they're not going to bother.
To echo Nudel's comments, yeah I thought Sandisk would support Vista as well, but there you go, faith shattered in that brand.
Cheers - Quad
I'm just beginning to look at this. Is U3 a requirement to use on a usb drive or are there any advantages to using U3 if DOpus can run as a portable app?
I really like the idea of the portability so I need to decide if I should be bugging my boss for a new usb drive.
Edit: I came across this thread...
[url]USB SYS - Switch]
Unless someone has something else to contribute just ignore my question.
Everything is working fine after the update..
thanks all
[quote="Quad"]This is for Aedeas, as it's really nothing to do with DO9.
Check your firmware on your Sandisk Cruzer Titanium. As there are some versions that will support Vista and a couple that won't. I found the info on the main U3 website. But only after i'd bought a new 4Gb Cruzer Titanium about 3 weeks ago. Typically the one I have is not supported, I phoned Sandisk and was dismayed to hear that they don't plan to update the firmware for 6 MONTHS, ie: they're not going to bother.
To echo Nudel's comments, yeah I thought Sandisk would support Vista as well, but there you go, faith shattered in that brand.
Cheers - Quad[/quote]
By firmware i presume you mean the U3 software version. i am running 1.42..? which claims Vista Compatibility on the U3 website but doesnt work and the Sandisk website claims "Temporarily NOT compatible with Windows Vista."
I will probabl;y just download the removal tool and use
Could anything be added to Opus to make it work better with PortableApps, or does it all work fine already? It looks like a nice system and I'm wondering if a third style of USB export in Opus is needed to support it, or if the generic USB mode export already works fine?
Seems to work OK. I just dragged the DOPUS dir and the dopus.exe from the root into the PortableApps Directory, refreshed the icons on the PortApps menu and off we go. You get 3 icons, one for DOPUS.exe and one for DOPUSRT.exe and one that I havent traced, but they are different so I know which one to go for. Havent found a way to remove the redundant icons
The portableapps webpages go into much more detail about compression and installer scripts but I am not qulified to make any comments in this area.