Using for years a vertical Drives Toolbar. I seem to remember -but not 100% sure- that the drive label/name was visible with a mouse-hover on DO12 and earlier, but now it's not there. Any way to achieve this? (only on mouse-hover, not permanently)
I think that tooltip comes from Windows (it's the same in File Explorer, at least), so the OS may be what changed if it's showing different things now.
Ok, thanks for persevering. This is so strange. Your combination of settings does indeed enable the label tooltip:
Go DRIVEBUTTONS=fixed,labels
Show label: disabled
This changes the look of the icons (the Toolbar, really), increasing the size of the drive letter and getting drives closer to each other (which I don't like but that's me):
Now, if you change back to:
Show label: enabled (any) (I use "below", but picked "right" for this example to try getting closer to the above look)
You will get:
...and the label tooltip is gone.
Also, there's some serious confusion here with drive letters, names and labels. They all seem interchangeable.
Something is going on with the image selection of the Drive buttons? It won't change, even if other images are selected. Seems locked to the above two options, which you can't really change.
Turn the button labels off entirely if you want the letters to be drawn into the icons. (That's something that happens if labels are off, so all the icons aren't identical.)
You can also use Go DRIVEBUTTONS=iconletterson,... to force them on even if button labels are also on, but that'd usually result in the drive letters being repeated.