Elephant easter egg?

I'm watching YouTube while my files copy, and I swear I saw an elephant walk across the copy window on the graph. Didn't have a chance to screenshot it. Am I high, or was that some hidden easter egg?


LMAO ... i really hope you was not high :wink:

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Elephant? Nah, you should get some sleep...

:wink: :grin: :beers:

Okay, I was kidding about the high—I don't smoke or drink (just regular cigs). However, I really witnessed it. In gray/blue, an elephant glided from left to right on top of the graph. It took about 30 minutes for the copy operation to complete, and it occurred after 20 minutes. I'm hoping developers can confirm.

There are weird Easter eggs from other companies as well. The duck in Amazon's HTML code says MEOW:


There you go! LOL