When I select a lot of ZIP files and run "Extract to Destination Folders", the lister keeps stealing focus every time a new file starts extracting. If I open a new lister and try to do work in it, the lister I started the extraction in will steal the focus over and over as it's extracting new files.
Also, in between each ZIP file, the job in the jobs bar disappears and the jobs bar briefly says "No file operations running at the moment" before the next file starts and a new progress bar pops up. There doesn't appear to be a way to totally stop the job I've started of extracting all the individual ZIP files, it seems like I can only stop one at a time.
Thanks for confirming. We'll have a fix for that in the next update.
Re aborting the operation, while each zip file gets its own new progress dialog, if I abort the current progress dialog, it also aborts all further extraction of archives. Does that not happen for you?
(I'm aborting extraction via the Abort button in the progress dialog. Have not tried other methods like right-clicking the jobs bar icon, in case you're doing something different.)
Thanks! It does look like aborting one will abort the rest, I just have to time it right to be able to do that if the files unzip quickly but there's a bunch of them. It can be hard to bring up the dialog to abort in time.
The problem seems to be back again now, even with the workaround mentioned above. I have a long-running unzip job running, and I can't do anything else on the computer because the focus keeps getting stolen by DOpus between each zip file. Any thoughts?
I'm not aware of any recent changes in Opus which would have done that. Which version did it start happening in (and which was it OK in before that)? Or did it start happening without updating Opus?
There seem to have been some changes in Windows 10 recently to do with how focus works, as I have several (non-Opus) things which behave differently to before (usually the opposite problem where they don't get focus when they used to, but it could all be connected).
I'm not sure when exactly it happened, it's been there for a while now. I've just lived with it until yesterday when it was getting frustrating not being able to use my computer for other work for 30 minutes. I am on version 2004 of Windows 10, so it could be related. I'm still not sure why unzipping files would have anything to do with focus one way or another, though?
It'll be in the 12.22 stable release, but that might not happen for a few weeks, depending on how many more betas we do first.
12.21.2 beta should be safe to install, if the issue is causing problems and you don't want to wait for 12.22. The beta has been out almost a week with no serious issues reported.
Actually the July 9th in that list was July 9th of 2019, so a year ago.
Right now the fix should (I believe) be in the current versions, but it doesn't appear to work. Also, the workaround mentioned (which worked last year) no longer works.
My mistake! Time has passed so quickly this year, with the lockdown etc., I felt like I was only just looking at this issue. How strange! Apologies for that.
I'll see again if I can reproduce what you're seeing. I have some machines which aren't on Win10 2004 and some which I can update to it, which should tell us if that is involved.
Oh I totally know, I feel exactly the same! The year is half over and it doesn't feel like it. Thanks so much for the quick response! I've been using DOpus since the Amiga days and I can't tell you how thankful I am that it's still the best tool around.
I haven't been able to reproduce this so far, even with Win10 2004. The progress dialogs will take focus if the window that launched the operation has focus, but not otherwise. (So if you opened another tab in the same window, I could see it being an issue, but if it's happening when you're in a completely different window, something else is happening that I haven't reproduced yet.)
Could you show me your Progress Indicator settings in case there's something there which I haven't thought to try? I tested with these (but also some other settings where I thought it might have an effect):
A screenshot of the lister just before you select the "Extract to Destination Folders" command might also be worthwhile, in case there's a detail there which I haven't tried.
Another thing to check: If you use the Minimize progress indicators option, do you still see the problem?
I've actually always had the Minimize progress indicators option enabled, so I just tried disabling that option and using the same settings you have. I was also unable to reproduce it. So then I changed the settings back to what I had originally, and I still can't reproduce it. I'm not sure what changed, but it was doing it very consistently before (as in all the time, not just sometimes), and now it's not doing it at all. I guess I'll have to keep an eye on it and see if it happens again, but for now everything appears to be good. Thanks for looking into it!