FAYT quick keys: allow two-letter sequences

It's much easier to remember (and also faster to type) that

  • ,t is Tabs
  • ,s is Select
  • ,d is Folders (Dirs)
    than @, :, ]

But the Quick Keys config unfortunately only allows single key accelerators

(and , is a rare enough symbol to start file name quick find that it's ok to use a prefix for Find like f)

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You could set up lister hotkeys to do that.

Thanks, that's what I do now (I've already asked before about the items that you can't rebind in the default interface like find)

However, discoverability of this solution is worse, which matters for some less frequently used ones that you might forget even with all the better mnemonics. You have nice easily findable "Quick Keys" group in the settings as well as a separate group in the keybindings, so it's much easier to check what all the keybinds for this feature is if it were supported there.

Or maybe "just" make the "Quick Keys" group editable in the keybindings settings? Currently they for some reason refer you back to the general preferences even though Keybindings is the proper section to change key bindings (then the preferences sections would be read-only and show whatever you set)

It's a good idea, I'll put this on the list for after release.