OK, it would be excellent to scroll to change display modes AND icon sizes similar to Windows native way, right?
I don´t understand, what you mean by scrolling display modes <&> icon sizes at the same time. What´s the use?
But we can already set up both functionalities by existing functions of Opus, although not using the scroll wheel.
Just have a look at how this works in explorer (Win7). It's really a nice feature. (I'd never thought I could say something positive about Windows Explorer).
Instead of having an expanded thumbnailsize-slider I'd prefer to be able to put a vertikal scrollbar into a menu button similar to the explorer button but more customizable. The scrollbar should be able to scroll through the predefined Views buttons but also through all additional items below that set.
To allow mouse scrolling through menu items more generally I'd suggest to add two options to the command editor for menu-buttons:
x Scrollable Menu
x Visible Slider
At the moment it's not even possible for me to scroll the thumbnailsize-slider.
Hmm, ok, could be useful. I didn´t notice that, because the only situation i´m briefly using IE
is when i close Opus to install a new update.
...yeah, and when I read read something in the forums about a feature I want to look up.
PS: I assume we're speaking about Windows Explorer and not Internet Explorer (IE). I never use Internet Explorer when not forced by a program.
Oh, of course, you´re right. I mean the normal Explorer. But, by the way, wouldn´t that be an awesome idea for GP? After having replaced Explorer by a most superior
file manager, next logical step would be replacing IE (a Dopus web browser!!) (just kidding)).
Hello everyone
I was about to post something very similar to this. Let me offer my opinion on the best way to use ctrl+scrollwheel.
Rather than copying win explorer, i would rather change view mode manually like currently, but have these abilities... (for each mode)
- In 'thumbnails' mode:
ctrl-scrollwheel up/down to increase/decrease size of thumbnails. Makes sense
ie. same as
but without having to put this on toolbar.
- In 'small icons' view:
a) At the moment, we have
I think a slider like the one encircled in red, which would achieve the following...
(edited in photoshop)
whereby a) space between 'columns' of items is decreased (shown above) OR b) the DEGREE of filename truncation is adjusted, eg from 4 characters onwards +'...'
Again no need to put this on the toolbar.
- Shift or Alt, + scrollwheel up/down could instead be used for Kundal's suggestion, for other custom scenarios.
What do you think?
I think these kinds of display mode changing by key+mouse interaction would make life MUCH easier; I'd humbly request serious consideration on this topic since my original request from long ago was mostly disregarded Great soft, these changes would make it better.
+1 for Ctrl+MouseWheel on Thumbnail view.
If you guys link your account, GPsoft might take these requests more seriously.
I told you guys this would be useful +10,000 thanks to the keen developers of this WONDERFUL software!!!
It's already there..
It's already there..[/quote]
This was requested before we had this feature
Posted May 05th, 2012
Feature added October 26th, 2012
Oh I see! o) I need to pay more attention to those dates! o)