Filetags - file tagger and metadata viewer

Hi aussieboykie, i have now befriended myself with Filetags, since my old routine script, the Tagger, is not working anymore (at least for me at the moment). So now i have found a suitable way to arrange Opus and Filetags windows side by side, to do my tagging work.

Here are my questions: preferring OSM locate, is there any way to increase the zoom level in the settings? While the default Google Maps scales alright, the OSM window is zoomed too much out. If possible, it should have about the same zoom level as Google Maps. I could stick to GMaps, but OSM has much better details.

The other thing is (and maybe it is already possible), when i apply the changes, i'd like Filetags to proceed to the next image in the list automatically.

One more tiny request :slightly_smiling_face:, when adding another tag into the tag window, Filetags could automatically add a semicolon, when clicking behind the last tag. Quite the way Opus meta data editor does it.

Re OSM, all I do is supply the relevant latitude and longitude. There may be a way of overriding the default zoom but it is not something I have ever researched. It is easy enough to Ctrl+Mouse Wheel to zoom in and out.

I haven't looked at FileTags for a long time but have been meaning to do so. I will look at your other requests as and when I have some spare time. :grinning:

Ok, thanks, no hurry. Since i am some 'habit animal', it took me a little while to get used to the new workflow. But my recent session using Filetags was already twice as fast as the first one. Looking forward to the improved version, but like i said, just take your time. I think, in the meanwhile i can find another tweak to optimize the usage. :+1: :beers:

It's quite simple. You can pick up the syntax from here or Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: [Behavior] image_locate_services.

@abr v1.3 has been added to the head post. If you set the relevant script options I believe it addresses all of your requests. Let me know if you encounter any problems. Thanks to @lxp for pointing me in the right direction for the OSM options. :+1::grinning:


It works well, i can't find any strange effects. A few details could be improved, though. It would be very convenient, if 'apply' would automatically work as 'next', maybe as an option in the configuration. Ideally, Alt-A would be the hotkey for 'apply'. That way it would be possible to use the keyboard throughout the whole tagging session. Thanks for your help!

Hi aussieboykie,

i have a feature request. Could you make a larger version of Filetags, like double size or fullscreen? It would be great on my 4K monitor, saving me the action of switching back and forth between the main window and the preview window. The font size in the editor could also be a bit larger. It's all due to the 4K, even though i have it already in 125% mode.

Chapeau, Mr. Eagle-Eye :eyeglasses: :+1:

At some days it's ok, but today i'm feeling like i'd have to wear glasses. I even have three cheap pairs of glasses from the drug store, but only one of them seems to be halfways right, and they are very unforgiving when not keeping a very exact distance to the monitor, which is too annoying.

Also just tried 150%, but that looks terribly blurry. Not because of my eye sight, but rather the rendering of the software (anti-aliasing is off, because that would make things even worse). Even my fonts in Opus are still quite tiny, because i like to have more visible rows at once (around 70), and i seem to be quite stubborn when it comes to changing my habits.


You have to reboot after changing DPI, or some things will be blury.

200% is the normal DPI scaling for a 4K screen (assuming the same size and viewing distance as a 1080p screen).

Maybe i will give 150% a try then. 200% would steal too much of my screen real estate.