I'm using Image Locate=Google. Wouldn't it be possible to use Open Street map instead?
Adding Image LOCATE=osm
should not be a big deal for the developers. Until it's done, you can use a little script:
function OnClick(clickData)
var zoomlevel = 12;
var cmd = clickData.func.command;
cmd.deselect = false; // Prevent automatic deselection
for (var eSel = new Enumerator(clickData.func.sourcetab.selected); !eSel.atEnd(); eSel.moveNext())
var fileItem = eSel.item();
if (!fileItem.is_dir)
var fileMeta = fileItem.metadata;
if (fileMeta == "image")
var imageMeta = fileMeta.image;
var latitude = imageMeta["latitude"];
var longitude = imageMeta["longitude"];
if (typeof latitude == "number" &&
typeof longitude == "number")
cmd.RunCommand("https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=" + zoomlevel + "/" + latitude + "/" + longitude + "/");
Adjust zoomlevel
to your taste.
Locate Images in OSM.dcf (2.1 KB)
Wouldn't mind if it happened directly in Caltopo either, since CalTopo can access a whole bunch of different map sets including Google's, OSM, Forest Service topos, a few other topos, etc – and on top of that actually LAYER these maps painlessly and give access to some other useful features.
https://mappingsupport.com/ also does some useful things like that.
lxp, thanks, it works! Is there a way to include something like a cross hair to mark the exact point? Anyway, with zoom level 22 it works quite well already.
Yes, there is a marker available. Replace line 23 with this one.
cmd.RunCommand("https://www.openstreetmap.org/?" + "&mlat=" + latitude + "&mlon=" + longitude + "#map=" + zoomlevel + "/" + latitude + "/" + longitude + "/");
Locate Images in OSM2.dcf (2.2 KB)
Try this.
Locate Images in CalTopo.dcf (2.1 KB)
Unfortunately I haven't found a way to pass any other information but coordinates and zoomlevel.
Thanks again, that's very cool! Much better now, because OSM has more map details.
In the next update we'll make the list of location services configurable.
That's great, thanks!
Here is a bit firm lxp's code, which did the trick:
cmd.RunCommand("https://www.openstreetmap.org/?" + "&mlat=" + latitude + "&mlon=" + longitude + "#map=" + zoomlevel + "/" + latitude + "/" + longitude + "/");
Maybe this line contains the code in question? However, i can't figure, how to include the important part into the miscellaneous setting. Any tip?