How can I apply a filter to a Layout so that it is tied to the layout and persists through folder changes?
I want to have a layout dedicated to photos but I don't want to see extraneous information such as "thumbs.db" or "picasa.ini". If I can't filter out stuff how can I filter so it only shows *.jpg and folders? And, how to keep the filter during folder changes within my Pictures directory?
Okay, I think what I need is a style instead of a layout. I've applied the appropriate filter to the style and I'm almost there.
How can I combine a style and a layout? I have my layout saved with a narrow tree, and the rest of the screen split between thumbs display on left and viewer on right. If I then apply a style it will give me a wide tree view, very wide thumbnails display and a tiny viewer pane. I don't see how I can define the size of the panes in a style.
Click OK to accept the folder format changes for the current window. (Just click OK. Do not click Save, unless you also want it to be applied all the time and not just when using the layout you're about to create.)
Now go to the format lock icon on your status bar (if you can't see the highlighted icon, you may need to make your browser window wider):
Click that icon so that the lock is closed. (It is open in the screenshot above. That's how it should be normally, but in this case you want to make it closed.)
When the format lock is closed, the current folder format is always kept when you change folders. This lets you override your normal format choices in special situations. (On the other hand, the format lock is not the best solution if you want to change the format used normally. The Folder Formats FAQ explains a better way to do that.)
Now, with the format set how you want (filtering out those unwanted files), and the format lock turned on, save that window as your new layout.