Thanks y'all for opening this can of worms of inspiration!!!
How many Everything buttons on your toolbar is too many?? 
I have a drop down menu with the example searches from this tread in it.
Then in my custom apps tool bar i have this...

the first 3 are also in my context menu as well
There's a Everything Icon Pack shared on their forums for the custom colored icons.
The commands I'm using and what the button does...
I will add I have most of these hotkeyed to an E
combo so I don't actually have to use the mouse to get to the toolbar or context menu.
NOTE!: If anyone wants to use these buttons, the program path is set of the default location of Everything 1.5a
. If you have installed elsewhere you'll have to update that.
1. Searches the selected items name, folder or file with extension in everything.
a fast dup search
"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" -s "{file$}"
2. Searches the Active Parent Directory in your lister in everything.
e.g. if your in your Downloads folder its sends "C:\users\%profile%\Downloads"
to everything, essentially this is flatview but in the everything window
cd "C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a"
"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" {sourcepath$}
3. Searches\views a selected folder in everything.
this is everything default context menu option when you right-click a folder, thou here i dopus controlling my context menu over the windows
cd "C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a"
@async:"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" {filepath$|noterm}
4. Search the Windows System Index for Content using Everything's interface with Dopus!
This button sends a search string to everything which then sends it back for viewing in Dopus in a New Tab
NOTE!!! This button requires Everything 1.5a
. The syntax is not supported in v1.4
I've shared this button in its own thread.
go /profile NEWTAB
Find QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY si*:{dlgstring|Search Content in Windows System Index via Everything \n -- no quotes will find all words \n -- Add "quotes to search a phrase" \n -- Advanced Syntax E.g... \n -- ext:txt "your phrase" \n \n Search System Index For...}
5. Searches for a selected file or folder name with no extension in Predefined Directory.
This button will not work for you out of the box. To use it replace "X:\XXX"
in the button with "X:\a path\you want to search"
. It will always send the query to this one directory.
In my case it's a directory of file listings for offline external backup drives that I don't keep plugged in.
"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" -s {file|noext} "X:\XXX"
and... last but not least...
6. Open Everything Search Item In New Tab
This button only appears when you're inside a Dopus File Collection, while viewing an internal Everything Search. It will open the the directory of selected item in a New Tab keeping your search untouched.