Find possible duplicates of a selected file whilst using Everything (Voidtools)

Not sure whether this is the right place to post.

It may happen that one wants to check whether there are any duplicates of a selected file.

Whilst using Everything (Voidtools) v1.5 - See: Everything downloads

one might add a context menu item reading as follows:

"\path to everything-exe\Everything64.exe" -s* size:[getsize:"%1"] ext:[get-property:"%1","extension"]

Important: use the latest version...


r-click file and select "Everything Find Dups..."


Nice. I find this very useful. :+1:

Only one thing, could you also match the name?

Sorry for the late reply, I was out last week.

You mean to say, select file, find duplicate elsewhere?
Maybe you could try: "x:\path\Everything64.exe" -s file:exact:"%1"

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Thank you, opw62. No problem, my post is only a few hours old. I have now added both versions. The algorithm seems to use rounded values, so that i find different small files, all having 1kb. In case i am looking for exact copies, i can use your second command now.

Just FWIW...
I created a context submenu with some Everything commands

SnagIt-27072023 105549

Search duplicate file name:

"X:\Everythingpath\Everything64.exe" -s* file:#filename:"%1"

Search Everything:

"X:\Everythingpath\Everything64.exe" -s {file}

Search same date:

X:\Everythingpath\Everything64.exe" -s* dm:[formatfiletime:[get-date-modified:"%1"],yyyyMMdd\THHmmss.SSSSSSS]

Search dups of selected folders:

X:\Everythingpath\Everything64.exe" -s* folder: size:[get-property:"%1","total size"]

Search in X:\Photos:

X:\Everythingpath\Everything64.exe" -filter "X:\Photos" -s {file}

Search same size:

"X:\Everythingpath\Everything64.exe" -s* size:[getsize:"%1"] ext:[get-property:"%1","extension"]

Thanks, looks very useful.

How easy would this be to add? Could you perhaps write a small guide? :slight_smile:

Try this button. You will have to edit each menu item (Alt-click on it) to set the right paths for your machine. To add that menu, go into the edit mode and drag it to a toolbar.

Various Everything Searches.dcf (2.1 KB)


As for finding duplicates, one might also consider using: dupe:size;dm;name
in the search box (or even better, add a filter with this search).
Or just: dupe:size;dm which will show possible duplicates with a different file name (due to file renaming)


Thank you guys for all this, invaluable information !!

Thanks y'all for opening this can of worms of inspiration!!!

How many Everything buttons on your toolbar is too many?? :rofl:
I have a drop down menu with the example searches from this tread in it.

Then in my custom apps tool bar i have this...
the first 3 are also in my context menu as well

There's a Everything Icon Pack shared on their forums for the custom colored icons.

The commands I'm using and what the button does...

I will add I have most of these hotkeyed to an E combo so I don't actually have to use the mouse to get to the toolbar or context menu.

NOTE!: If anyone wants to use these buttons, the program path is set of the default location of Everything 1.5a. If you have installed elsewhere you'll have to update that.

1. Searches the selected items name, folder or file with extension in everything.

a fast dup search

"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" -s "{file$}"

2. Searches the Active Parent Directory in your lister in everything.

e.g. if your in your Downloads folder its sends "C:\users\%profile%\Downloads" to everything, essentially this is flatview but in the everything window

cd "C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a"
"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" {sourcepath$} 

3. Searches\views a selected folder in everything.

this is everything default context menu option when you right-click a folder, thou here i dopus controlling my context menu over the windows

cd "C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a"
@async:"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" {filepath$|noterm}

4. Search the Windows System Index for Content using Everything's interface with Dopus!

This button sends a search string to everything which then sends it back for viewing in Dopus in a New Tab
NOTE!!! This button requires Everything 1.5a. The syntax is not supported in v1.4
I've shared this button in its own thread.

go /profile NEWTAB
Find QUERYENGINE=everythingglobal QUERY si*:{dlgstring|Search Content in Windows System Index via Everything \n    --  no quotes will find all words \n    --  Add "quotes to search a phrase" \n    --  Advanced Syntax E.g... \n        --  ext:txt "your phrase" \n \n Search System Index For...} 

5. Searches for a selected file or folder name with no extension in Predefined Directory.

This button will not work for you out of the box. To use it replace "X:\XXX" in the button with "X:\a path\you want to search" . It will always send the query to this one directory.

In my case it's a directory of file listings for offline external backup drives that I don't keep plugged in.

"C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe" -s {file|noext} "X:\XXX"

and... last but not least...

6. Open Everything Search Item In New Tab

This button only appears when you're inside a Dopus File Collection, while viewing an internal Everything Search. It will open the the directory of selected item in a New Tab keeping your search untouched.


A nice solution for the question in thread title: Everything > Options > Advanced: go to 'paste_new_line_op' : change AND into OR [Apply]

  1. then in Everything go to Bookmarks > Add bookmark, Name: Filelist (or whatever) in Search-box: Filelist: [OK]

  2. Opus: select some files, Edit, copy file names

  3. Everything, select bookmark 'Filelist' - paste file names

Try this code in a button:

"F:\Everything_64\Everything64.exe" -s "{file$|noext}" -filter "Everywhere" 

Substitute your path to Everything. Delete -filter "Everywhere if you don't use filters. I called such a button "Find All Items with the Stem of the Selected Item"

I created a menu for your six searches with my version of labels so I understood what was being done. I also created a Everything Icons.dis file of the icon you referenced. Imitation is the sheerest form of flattery.

Searches with Everything.dcf (4.3 KB)

Everything Icons (32px & 24px).dis (188.5 KB)


Very nice. :grinning:

I like the steam search.

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Thanks a lot.
I gave it a try, but was also getting folders with that similar name. Updated the search to my 'taste' as follows

"D:\Everything\Everything64.exe" -s* size:[getsize:"%1"] ext:[get-property:"%1","extension"]

Anyway, as said, it is just a matter of taste I guess.

Thanks again.

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